Support More Of NVIDIA's/AMD's Features

Ex: Game optimization, game stream, and Ansel

Game stream is useful for people who have a NVIDIA Shield Portable, a NVIDIA Shield TV and controller, or a NVIDIA Shield Tablet and controller, and Ansel would be useful for high quality screenshots in studio for things like thumbnails. Is it possible for Roblox, client and studio, to get this?


Turn studio graphics to 10, hide all tabs like explorer and properties, go into full screen, click drop down and then click view>screenshot

takes high quality screenshot based on monitor resolution

don’t see a need for this if it can already be done


Nice example; you probably really wanted to post that.

However you’re missing the point of ansel:
Although it’s a meme feature in real videogames, in roblox it actually has a purpose; ansel allows us to produce render-quality imagery without using Blender; in 4k without supercharging our monitor resolutions (studio’s test resolution feature goes up to 2000x2000).

Game Stream would definitely be great for both proud owners of the shield.

Mmm but you are missing the point, they aren’t going to add something like this if screenshots can already be made, not worth the production time.

The same can be said for pretty much every feature added over the years.
It’s just not an argument.

It only affects “people who have a NVIDIA Shield Portable, a NVIDIA Shield TV and controller, or a NVIDIA Shield Tablet and controller, and Ansel” which is not all players. They are not going to waste production time on a limited feature that some people can and are going to use when screen shotting ingame already exist. Just my two cents.

How can you be satisfied when that screenshot is 1918x999 instead of 1920x1080? :stuck_out_tongue:

A feature like Ansel would empower us to capture extremely high resolution (>10k) images that can be used to make high detail wallpapers and thumbnails. Ansel also supports stuff like 360 images and HDR.
Aside from being awesome, high precision screenshots don’t suffer from rounding issues when applying effects or changing exposure:

I’d love to see high res roblox wallpapers

Only the shield streaming feature is reserved for shield owners fam.

Ansel is for everyone with nvidia cards, which are sadly the most popular (the most popular actual cards, integrated trash obviously beats its numbers otherwise, especially for roblox where many players are stuck on notebooks with 1366x841.333 resolution displays).

I have a crappy Intel integrated HD 530, no idea how to upgrade a desktop with an integrated chip to a new one.

Or anybody with an NVIDIA graphics card? Steam statistics shows 60% of people use an NVIDIA graphics card.

They don’t necessarily need to implement Ansel.
At the very least they could emulate a high res device and crank the settings for a frame:

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You can only crank it up to 2000x2000 though~

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2000 is a pretty arbitrary-sounding constraint, I’d be surprised if it couldn’t be raised

I wonder what problems the engine might run into if the resolution was cranked up to ridiculous-levels

Figured I should give a reminder that Roblox factors in Windows scaling. A 4K image on Roblox looks the same as zooming in on a 1080p image with nearest neighbor scaling.
If you take a look at the edges of the Ultimate Boxing logo, they aren’t that smooth, and having NVIDIA Ansel for downscaling is much better than having to upscale. If we could only have one new NVIDIA feature supported, I would vote for Ansel.

We need some HBAO+

NVidea Shadow Play would be nice.

To be honest, I never tested Shadow Play to see if it worked. I just assumed it worked. I personally prefer to use OBS.

Does Roblox not support higher resolutions? What’s the issue?