Support system game

If a positive integer is something over 0, why would it be bad?

Because you want to store, as i’m aware, a dictionary for the support ticket.

Example of a Dictionary if you don’t know what they are

local Dict = {
   SenderId = 8094244;
   Title = "Support Ticket";
   Body = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor";
   SendTime = os.time()
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How would I go about displaying the tickets to staff?

I linked a post in a previous reply
(Support system game - #18 by metatablecatmaid) on how to setup Discord Webhooks, keep in mind you need a proxy server because Discord blocks direct requests from Roblox

idk make the webhook point to a #staff channel in your discord server

I don’t really want to use discord, would prefer in game or trello if in game does not work.

I don’t use Trello for support-related information, if you want to use Trello, i recommend you look into this module

Is there any like trello to roblox module so I can echo the tickets into the staff section in game?

Roblox’s HTTPService (which roblox uses to communicate to outside websites) cannot listen for http requests. The only way to do this is to ping a GET reques to Trello and decompose that from a JSON/XML table

FYI: Discord has removed the block on Roblox requests

I know how to retrieve the data stores contents, but how do I format it in game?

So vanilla datastores cannot return every single key. What if the key was just the User ID?