Surface Light 'Godray' Artifact

When using Surface Lights with Future lighting, there’s an artifact on the opposite side of any object affected by the light. This bug doesn’t happen on other lighting technologies, only Future.

Here’s a video of this bug:

This only occurs with surface lights, and not spot lights or point lights. Shadow casting, and other Lighting properties don’t seem to influence it.

Here’s another video showing this:


  • Set Lighting.Technology to Future
  • Setup a surface light and shine it onto any BasePart
  • The ‘godrays’ will be visible on the opposite side that the light is shining onto

Here’s the Roblox place file from the videos above, with some examples set up:
Surface Light Godrays Bug.rbxl (192.7 KB)

Expected behavior

There should be no ‘god ray’ appearing through the BasePart when a Surface Light is shining onto it. The other light types show what the normal behaviour should be.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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More visuals of this issue


isn’t it intentional? i always thought it was

Looks scary! Its like an eyeball peeking out at you, if I saw that I would nope out of everything and sleep with a flashlight


Is this going to be addressed @LightSettingsGuy ?

Ngl this could be used as a feature! :)