SurfaceProjection object

This update means a lot to me, and it’s sad we cannot get it just because of Roblox not seeing dollars on their mobile players’ heads.

Really hope they make this one day. It can solve so many problems and add so many features. This has the power to make decals cleaner rather than a part which protrudes out of surfaces. FPS, Magic and even Roleplay (huge mobile audience) would profit so much. Bullet holes, vfx spinning circles, tattoos, and whatnot could be achieved in a clean way. Someone might even make a shadow ghost who you cant see, but the walls can.

the possibilities are endless


Surface projection is overdue and would make a huge positive difference in development capabilities for anyone wanting to push the limits of Roblox


I really, really want this to be a thing. The fact that it’s not being implemented due to things like mobile limitations is really disappointing. I feel like we need platform-only games, like PC-only or mobile-only or xbox-only. These are the sort of limitations that I feel make Roblox not feel like a true game development engine such as Unity.

Bit of a tangent here, but something else Roblox DESPERATELY needs is shading/shader controls, and the ability to do things like what the glass material does but only on its own, and more particle controls, 3d particles, etc. etc. you get the point.


You’re free to switch to another engine, no need to stick around an engine that you consider stuck in terms of technology and innovation.

Also, stop comparing Roblox with other engines such as Unity, Unreal, or Godot. These are way more advanced than the Roblox technology and is an unfair comparision for the Roblox engine.

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We really need this feature!


This would be awesome! It would allow people to possibly make flashlights look like proper flashlights without using “hacky” solutions. It would also be cool for projectors or properly animated lights


Pandering to the shortcomings of the engine helps no one, especially yourself as a developer, nor ROBLOX’s wallet. Y’all need to stop being so accomodating of mediocrity and dismissive of progress. If we stick around is because ROBLOX offers something other engines don’t but also because we believe in its potential and want to see it bloom.

To stay on topic: expecting 100% compatibility across all platforms is unrealistic and counter-productive. You’ll never achieve the same level of quality across mobile, desktop and console unless you design a gameplay that fits all 3, which is possible, but at the expenses of gameplay depth and such. Some devs do not care about mobile or console, so holding back desktop (which is where legit, good quality games are anyway) feels unfair. If Roblox wants to be seen as a legit engine, it’s time to act accordingly.


T i m e t o b u m p .

Seriously tho… Roblox doing this to us is giving me that same gut feeling I get when I present a perfect argument to my sister when she doesn’t understand it, thus continuing the jabbering.

Seriously seriously tho, I can even see a flipbook version of this being used, like for old-style flick movies. Granted, the performance would be a little tough to ignore… but were games like Ori and the Blind Forest or Overwatch meant for lower end devices? They have graphic settings to accommodate them, yes, but they were meant to be played on better technology. Why can’t we do the same here?

Another thing I see alot of people wanting is specific features based on what platform you have selected. Look at it this way: You have a game, and you set it to everything but mobile devices in the Game Settings. Now you should have access to things like this. But no… your game still isn’t “fit for mobile” even though you specifically don’t want mobile players in the game! After all, why change the DEFAULT SETTING* if you didn’t not want mobile players…

You gave us Flipbooks, you gave us Live Animations, heck, you even gave us Wind for crying out loud! gIvE uS tHiS pLs.

*By default the “Playable Devices” setting is set to Computer, Phone and Tablet, with Console and VR unchecked.


Bumping once again.

We really need this in the engine.


Support. I need this. Imagine if you just could project GUI’s onto any surface. Would also be useful for kinds of puzzles I suppose.


Like that one in Deltarune chp2 where you line up a bunch of lights!

Bumping this again.

After experimenting with Unity and Unreal engine and the tools at their disposal Roblox is abysmal in comparison. If Roblox wants to be taken seriously as a legitimate game engine capable of competing with modern engines (or even just being viable for real game development) features like this and many more are an absolute necessity. There are too many use cases for something like this, and even ignoring the fact that PC or Console shouldn’t be bottlenecked for the sake of mobile development, Unity’s decal projector system can be done on mobile games through their URP (From what I have gathered through my own testing and experimentation with the Unity Engine).

Roblox needs to step it up, there is no excuse for this.


I feel as if the biggest drawback to Roblox’s potential is wanting to have cross compatibility for every platform. If we had PC - Only game support and vice versa it could definitely help the platform.


Mobile is 50% of their audience, unfortunately they will have to make some sacrifices for them. I think the main reason for not implementing this feature is:

  • Doesn’t work on all phones they support
  • It can and will be used for “gameplay”, i.e., if you put two players in a game and one’s device doesn’t support this feature in a game that uses it, they will be at a disadvantage/have a different experience

You can’t add this feature, because OpenGL ES 2.0 doesn’t support it? Just so you know, OpenGL ES 3.0 (which supports this) came out August 2012. Devices that don’t support this feature are at best 11 years old. I see no reason to support these ANCIENT devices.


I literally don’t make mobile games.
In earlier posts I stated I would literally sacrifice ALL mobile support in my games so I can use cool things like this for gameplay.

Mobile is awful for gaming and ESPECIALLY for games that rely on graphics and complex controls that don’t fit on a small screen and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Roblox should just give us the option to sacrifice mobile compatibility so we can make games for our target platform instead.
It feels like Roblox wants us or is almost forcing us to make our games cross-platform compatible but this really is not the way my games are supposed to be played.

I make things as a form of art and I choose the platform with intend.
The things that I would make are optimized and intended to be played on a specific platform that I chose because I know it has sufficient computing power and comfortable controls to make it a good experience.

Literally try playing any decent FPS game on mobile, FPS games weren’t made for mobile.
The controls are awful and you gotta sacrifice some of the realism in the graphics or change the whole graphics style to a more low-end-device-friendly one that requires less computing power.

Games are made with intend.
The developer chooses which platform they think is optimal to get the best out of their experience.

Making things cross-platform requires a lot of unnecessary sacrifices just for the sake of having more players.
And all those extra players won’t even have the best and most optimal experience because they play on a ancient, underpowered device that can barely handle the 3/10 graphics setting.


as a supporter of creating custom keyboard objects for a game known as JToH (Juke’s Towers of Hell) i completely agree with your statement


Bumping this like everyone else because this has use-cases that outnumber the downsides of laggy performance on mobile/ incompatibilities.


this, they need to stop this mindset. I understand they want to have all games be working on all platforms, but not all developers here want to ship their games to mobile.

I made a pretty good post about future’s lighting and why I think its really limited just for the sake of all platforms having support on it.


Bumping this again. There’s no reason that justifies this not being on the platform. The excuse for mobile doesn’t hold up as this is a feature in Unity’s URP which can build to mobile devices. If Roblox truly wants to be an engine comparable to others as opposed to a joke amongst the industry its tools like this (among many others) that need to be implemented.