SurfaceWeld Module | Weld parts that are touching surfaces!

SurfaceWeld is a module that allows you to weld any parts that are touching their surfaces. This module was originally designed to replace some of the old surface joints (glue, weld, etc). SurfaceWeld is an easy solution to modernising this type of old feature.

This module is also super simple and fast. Feel free to edit the module or even add in your own functions!

There are currently three methods to weld surfaces that are touching:

  • WeldPart(BasePart)
  • WeldParts(Array)
  • WeldModel(Model)

And that’s pretty much it to this module. It pretty well works exactly the same as the old surface weld or glue joint. All though the only thing missing rn are surface specific joints (like studs or inlets). All though it wouldn’t be too hard to add in yourself!

I’d love to hear feedback and opinions too. Enjoy!


This seems nice, One problem i have when using weldmodel is that i have a total of 6 welds in one part; 3 Welds are for the baseplate, And 3 are for the single touching part…

(Please make it so its more efficient and only welds each part once) :slight_smile:

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I have updating the welding function and now there should be about two times less welds (which is a 50% increase in performance). Now I have made so it ONLY welds surfaces that are already welded to each-other. I don’t think I can further improve the weld count atm, because if you are going to implement destruction with this, then we don’t want random parts just disconnecting because there are missing welds. (otherwise you need to reweld the parts which is so inefficient)

The module has been updated in the toolbox. Hope this helps!

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