The “Synty City Pack” is an asset pack that was officially released in June of 2021, along with several other Asset Packs as part of a collaboration with Synty:
In a partnership with Synty, we have released several Synty Asset Packs to the Marketplace in the Toolbox. These assets are completely free to use in anything you want to create on Roblox! The packs include Nature, City, and Dungeon themed assets.
If you aren’t familiar with Synty, they specialize in great looking low poly models. All of the assets in the packs have a similar art style, so they can be mixed and matched to quickly prototype new ideas or build out a completely new experience.
The City Pack can be found here:
Expected behaviour:
The Pack should appear as it did in 2021 as part of the collaboration.
Actual behaviour:
Most of the assets appear grey, as the texture atlas for the pack was moderated:
Originally reported here:
This is starting to become a problem. There needs to be some investigation on how this is happening.
Other assets that have also been randomly moderated in the past week and have broken games:
An old R15 RightUpperLeg mesh asset was recently moderated for seemingly no reason.
Asset link: RenderMesh
This random deletion breaks custom avatars in a lot of experiences that might’ve depended on this mesh, for example Arsenal .
Expected behavior
Harmless Roblox-created assets shouldn’t get randomly deleted like this.
Spring Flower Crown was randomly moderated and is no longer usable/viewable on site
[spring flower corwn]
Expected behavior
The item should be restored as it does not violate the terms and service and is an item uploaded by the Roblox account itself
Bump. A very well made & resourceful pack (the synty collaboration) once full of colour and life, now half gray and obsolete. Discouraging to developers who want to utilize these licensed collaboration packs in future work, when they have the possibility of just being rendered useless at some point down the timeline like this.
July 14, 2024, 2:42am
This also affects this experience which utilized this asset pack:
Check out Misty Harbor. It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Explore a peaceful harbor in evening, featuring dynamic light sources and atmosphere effects.
yep, this needs to be fixed.
there is a workaround, somehow the texture was uploaded 2 years prior to the asset pack and that one still works.
Hey everyone, thanks for the report. Is this fixed?
Yes, it appears to have been fixed. Thanks!
August 2, 2024, 4:58am
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