Systerni's Developer Portfolio!

Systereni’s Developer Portfolio
Official Portfolio!


  • Hello, there! My name is Systerni. I am a proud 14 year old Dutch developer! I am developer for myself and for friends! But i can also build and script for you! (The following contacts can be found below, such as Discord and Twitter) You can call me Sys, Systerni or obviously Tim! You can DM me whenever you like on Discord or Twitter for any questions.

You can sent me messages on ROBLOX DevForums whenever you like, ask ahead!
Discord: Systerni#7777
Twitter: @Systerni

What do I make?
I do all sort of things that have to do with developing these are a few examples: scripting, building and making GFX arts!

Thanks for reading! ;D


Personally when you make portfolios you should never use the word few when you are stating what you can do. Also I only see 1 out of the 3 things you can do. You have not shown how you build or scripted (I will let you off the hook for scripting because its hard to demonstrate)

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