Creator AMA (RDC 2024) with Nick and Tian [September 19, 2024]

Thanks for that question! Enrico also answered this at length at the economy AMA earlier this year, so I’m copying most of his response below. But one key thing that we announced at RDC this September is that we plan to make a shopping template available, which should make it easier for everyone to build a shopping experience and earn the affiliate fee. This should be coming soon.


At last years RDC, the CEO of Roblox mentioned that he would be open to a pay what you want system for plugins. Is this still the case?

I can’t benefit from it since Roblox prohibited under 18s from selling plugins but I have a few friends that would greatly benefit from it.

Thank you!


Thanks for the question! We are testing occlusion culling now in select experiences, and our goal is to roll it out to everyone very soon. You won’t have to do anything to enable it–it will just work. The improvements can vary a lot based on your experience, but in our testing, we’ve seen up to a 35% improvement in frame time on some of our most resource-constrained devices. Your mileage may vary, as many creators have already implemented their own optimizations. In some cases, your optimizations may be better than ours, but I think in general, the less optimizations you’ve already implemented, the more you’ll benefit from our automatic occlusion culling.

As mentioned in our keynote, we paused work on the voxel lighting grid to focus on improving performance and stability. We think that was the right tradeoff, but we’re excited to get back to work on the new lighting system as we think it is a great visual step forward for many devices!


How will the recently announced “avatars in marketplace” cut work?
Will the creators of the avatar item get 30% cut on their items? how much will the creator of the outfit/avatar earn? would be quite unfair for the outfit maker to earn 40% while the creator of the items earn 30%, so how would that work? how will the fee be split to make sure everybody makes a fair share of money?
would the creators of items get 30%, outfit maker 10%, affiliate 30% and roblox 30%?


We’re testing it right now and, pending any issues, will be rolling it out to all experiences over the next month or so. We’ll post on the DevForum once the rollout begins. It’s fully automatic, and you won’t have to do anything to adopt it.


This is something we are really excited about. We’re hoping to make this change by the first half of 2025. Thank you for the question!


Are there any plans for paid access experiences to gain premium payouts, private servers, and console support?

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Any update or ETA on Server Authority for character movement? This is a much needed feature for competitive games. This was very briefly mentioned at RDC and more information would be greatly appreciated.


Is it possible to have UIBlur, UIShadow or other common elements for effects & what is currently preventing Roblox from adding it for creators? Roblox already uses some type of blurring mechanics for certain parts of the CoreUI


Will occlusion culling work inside of Roblox Studio while editing an experience?


With the proactive moderation announced at rdc that helps finding copyrighted material UGC accessories and clothing and automatically delete it for you, is there any chance we could get self served removal for UGC character bundles?

I don’t think copyrighted assets will be really removed automatically. It’s a huge legal hoop to act on copyright issues before the copyright owner / agent asks to do so.

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Really great question. Our goal is to provide creators the transparency they need to optimize the discovery of their avatar items on the Marketplace. A recent change we made to help avatar items get discovered is Today’s Picks, which is a curated selection of items that updates every day. We shared our selection principles with the community back in July.

We also announced at RDC that community-created avatars will be coming to Marketplace in the coming months. When that happens, we will introduce new ways for creators to get discovered on the Marketplace. We will have more to share as we get closer to launch.


Are there any plans to support the .SVG file format? This would be great for reducing quality loss with different screen resolutions and may be more performant!


With the additions to the APIs available for use with translations, are there any plans to provide open cloud read/write for localization strings? I feel like doing so would be of value for allowing for version control and allowing creators to put the level of review they feel is necessary on changes made by translators - since there’s no system resembling pull requests present for translations at the moment.

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Really great point. We definitely want paid access experiences to have the ability to drive discovery using ads, but there are complexities. We’ll let you know when we have something to share. In the meantime we did add Top Paid Access charts that should help paid games get discovered.


I know this isn’t related with RDC, but it was kind of surprising that it wasn’t in RDC, are we going to get a Talent Hub update any time soon? There are a lot of missing features people requested in the DevForum category, as well as many bugs which need addressing.

How is this not in good faith? I personally connect with what he said and I believe that we should have answers for this. Time and time again roblox has proven that it cannot provide this so called “creative freedom” that it promotes. I’ve personally worked on countless projects that I have believed would be very very interesting to see on this platform but have always been stumped with such silly limitations.

I can’t even recreate an indie-game that released in 1995 on the PC-9800 (a pc series released in 1979 that ran a DOS like operating system) with 32KB of ROM and 16KB of RAM at a CPU clockspeed of 4MHz without the engine grinding down to a halt.

There simply isn’t space for developers like us to truly show what we are capable of and this is a question I really want to see answered. What is roblox doing? What do they have to say?


Yes! We are working to bring Future lighting to Android and will be testing it soon to ensure it’s performant and works well. We are not currently working on depth of field, but we’ll take your feedback into account – thank you!


Hey everyone - thank you for your questions! We’ve received the most questions ever in an AMA and want to answer as many as possible. For this reason, we will no longer be taking new questions so we can tackle those we have received.

See you in the next one! :happy3: