Tag Editor Plugin for Studio

This is going to be such a good update! more plugins like those should be available (one such i could mentions is a datastore editor) but overall, developers are getting so many great tools from now on!

Thanks ! It was really needed to be native to Roblox Studio. It was THE plugin I was expecting to not be on the Plugins tab.

Also it would be nice for plugin developers to create new tabs with the permission of the End User to be shown in a custom Tab.
This can be really useful for building based plugins, and general utility plugins that adds a ton of stuff.


Finally support this tag function. Great, work will be easier in the future.

Am I the only one who feels like tags should be integrated into the Properties widget?

Cool update overall though!

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Interesting built-in plugin :thinking:.

Oh my god YES. This would make editing so much easier.

The convenience of this feature that we’ve desperately needed is overshaddowed by the fact that it took 3 years to make. Where does all your dev time go? Can the community eventually become responsible for these standards in some way so it can be easier for us to… have ANY standards?


This looks cool, though I have the original Tag Editor plugin by Sweetheartichoke - after this update will I still need the original plugin? Or will the new one cover all the original features?

Awesome! What will happen to the original plugin, though? I have it installed but will it be automatically uninstalled when the built-in version is added?

No, it will probably be superceded but still remain a user plugin you can install if you prefer.

Well, tags are not properties of objects. They are tags, and they are globally defined. It would look bad to see every tag as a bool value in every object, to say if the object has the tag or not. It’s better to seperate that functionaility in a window, because not a lot of people would use tags, when they can just use something more understandable like attributes.


The data is accessible in other ways surely, if not then that’s just a problem that they’ve yet to address on their end. The UI would just not show tags which aren’t applied anyway, instead of showing that they aren’t applied by showing that they apply as false.


I was just talking with someone about this on call ( About a plugin like this before this one came out. )


Can we move this to the “Model” tab in Studio? It would fit nicely next to the “Collision Groups” button. The plugins tab should be for custom plugins

Visualize as not working

none of the modes work.

This update is great and all but one thing we could use for QoL is some methods inherited from Instance to be able to check for tags directly through an instance.
e.g: Instance:HasTag("69")

Also kindly tell this built-in plugin to gtfo of my plugins tab and go reside elsewhere.


In your screenshot, it appears that World View is not enabled. You’ll need to click to toggle that on to see any visualizations from the plugin.

The access point for the plugin will be moving to the View tab soon.

It’s not in plugins rather in the view tab.


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