Taking high quality screenshots

God this is making me jealous, that’s such amazing lighting!!!


Hey, nice trick! I had no idea you could do this in Studio, but I’m definitely going to use this next time I’m taking screenshots. Thank you!!


Dude I didn’t even think that was roblox until I zoomed in!

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The second trick I have to offer is through abusing the feature of the emulator. Pick the “fixed” resolutions and then take a screenshot. Make sure the setting of the viewport is on the correct size or otherwise it will be shrunk to the viewport size.

I have used this trick for a while. My laptop does not go up to 1920x1080, but I managed to take a screenshot in that resolution.


Thanks I’m going be using this a lot and I’m sure this will help a lot of people posting on Cool creations and building support. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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There’s an even better way to take high-resolution screenshots in studio. You can even go to 4k (and beyond!)

  1. Turn on the emulator. It’s the phone icon on the top-right of the viewport.


  1. In the device dropdown, click “Manage Devices”. Then, add an entry for 4K resolution.



  1. Select then new entry in the device dropdown. In the scaling dropdown, click “Actual Resolution” (Warning: if your computer is low-spec, this will lag your viewport.)



  1. In the View menu, click “Screen Shot”.


And viola! The image will be stored in your Roblox screenshots folder (located in C:\Users\<Your Username>\Pictures\Roblox for Windows, don’t know where it is for Macs.) You can also click on the link that appears in the output window.


And if you haven’t already, make sure quality is dialed up to 21 in studio! It’s under Settings -> Rendering -> Performance



Thanks for the advice. Lighting and build looks amazing.

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I knew that I can do that , but for some reason never did that.


Very useful! I normally just change my fov and take a normal screenshot in-game.

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I just want to say that this is really amazing. If you asked me where the final image came from i probably would have said blender it’s amazing you can make that in roblox now.

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Beware that low end computers will lag when this is higher


I completely forgot you could do this. Thanks for bringing this neat trick to our attention again, @thisfall! That scene you’re building looks fantastic, by the way. :ok_hand:

Here’s some information I’ve put together about how you could use this trick in combination with the built-in Roblox FreeCamera tool to get high-quality screenshots of your game while it’s being played in Studio:

Using this Method in Play Solo

FreeCamera :movie_camera:

If you want to use the method described above to capture high-quality screenshots while you’re running the game in Play Solo mode, remember you can use keyboard presses Shift + P to activate FreeCamera - a tool that’s perfect for capturing cinematic shots of your game in motion!

FreeCamera will give you total control of the game’s camera movement and help you get the high-quality screenshot you’re looking for. You can even adjust the FOV with a simple scroll of the mouse wheel! As demonstrated in the clip above, doing so can really change the perspective of your shot.

More Information :memo:

You can find more information about the FreeCamera tool here:


Yes! Now I can take high quality teaser screenshots of my games! Awesome tutorial.

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I can’t tell you how may times I’ve accidentally done this and thought “ugh now I gotta fumble with the tab to drag the window back”. Now I’ll be dragging the window out on purpose! Thanks a ton!

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You can take full 4K screenshots regardless of monitor resolution using this method.

Edit: Someone already posted it nevermind

How can we make it like with the sun rise effect cause I have seen your screenshots and apparently studio doesn’t show sun rise effect.

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Wow awesome I personally prefer to use the emulator but thanks anyways!

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If you’re talking about the realistic sun, just insert a SunRays effect in Lighting.


Thank you so much! :smiley: This will help me fully taking pictures for thumbnails on ROBLOX! :smiley:


Thank you so much haha, I didn’t even know this was a thing. I’ll definitely be using this in the future haha.

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