Talent hub breaking?

For the past few days whenever i have visited the talent hub i have noticed that the site breaks multiple times. according to my own testst this is what i found:

  • Loading up the talent hub theres a roughly 20% chance that it will say you arent qualified.
  • Opening a job post has a roughly 45% chance to give a 404 error.
  • Opening an application also has a roughly 45% chance to give a 404 error. altough this does feel higher at times.
  • Applications in inbox have a roughly 25% chance to say “job deleted” even tough they aren’t.

All of these issues can be resolved by reloading the page, is this an issue just for me or is it like this for everyone?

my tests were done with a sample size of only 20. please dont take them too seriously


it seems the situation has gotten worse and i am not able to acces my applications at all

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This seems to be a bug. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t

it probably gets fixed in a few days

Same issue for me. Doesn’t seem like they’ve fixed it yet.

I am still having this problem with constant 404 errors and being told "Not Qualified. Most of which can be resolved by refreshing the page. Sometimes an application loads in, but then after half a second it says 404 error. even tough it was loaded in at first. Very annoying when checking trough multiple applications as the chances of getting these messages seem to have increased massively

maybe change the category of this post to a bug report so staff can fix it‎, because it is getting really annoying when I get the error :‎p

I dont have the ability to set it as a bug report i think

this post should help you

[How to post a Bug Report - #13 by Roblox]

that really just made things more confusing

Heya, @svenska_kartongbit!

What the other user suggested is that you should follow a format on how to report bugs so Roblox engineers can replicate and help you out as much as they can.

Whenever you encounter bugs, it is recommended to post within #bug-reports. They can see other categories under #help-and-feedback, but they won’t manage to track them down and file them internally…

If you have a “Regular” trust level in your forum account, you should be able to access the Bug Wizard Report by clicking the button “Report Bug” on the main page of the website:

If you don’t have this trust level, then an alternative would be to request to join the forum group @AllowBugReports and wait to be accepted. Afterward, make a PM (Private Message) with the forum group @Bug-Support, following the format of how to reproduce the bug, provide screenshots, and wait for them to get back to you.

This is still seems to be happening… For some reason applications are also not showing up in my inbox.