Talent Hub Private Beta

Is it too late to express interest?
I’ve been waiting for something like this for ages. Too often the regular hubs are inhabited by younger users who clearly don’t take development as seriously. I hope there is an actual merit based approval process for this hub so it doesn’t have the same issues.

Put me in coach! (Here’s my portfolio): [OPEN!] DreadNautical - Professional Builder

Username: DreadNautical

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Hey, I really interested in joining this private beta :wink:

Hi, I’m interested in joining the private beta.

I’m interested in joining the private beta. I would like for a place to be able to hire new developers for my already established group.

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Hello! as someone who’s been on the devforum and around the development scene, I genuinely hope that I can be apart of this beta. I’m having an extraordinarily hard time finding trustworthy sources for hiring and posting portfolios and genuinely just looking for creativity.

If you don’t mind (if this even is correct to do so), could I be added?

I’m really interested in the talent hub. Would really like to see what jobs there will be in the future.

I am interested because I want a better system to hire and pay out peiple

When / if this is in beta I would be interested in checking this out.

I would be interested in testing this out. Hopefully it’s not too late!

This is definitely under my interest!
I love to help into such beta tests and i feel this would be a better produce than #collaboration

If it’s possibile, I’d love to join this! It honestly seems incredibly awesome and I’ve always been looking for a modernized way of contacting developers for this kind of stuff. Hope you guys accept me if you choose to!

I wouldn’t be a good tester yet, but this sounds amazing! I’m a very new developer, and this would be like diving into a pool of opportunities. Once I gain a bit more knowledge, I’d love to use this at its full release!

This is really the exact thing I need!
A place to find people that want to form a dedicated team, not just simple comissions.
So I’m really looking forward to it! thank you roblox!

Cherishful greetings to you!

I am Axlqro and I find myself to be quite the much interested in testing this feature!
I myself describe… Myself as very descriptive in criticism - I am able to express myself very well and could describge issues that I face throughout my experience with the beta program.
I’d also be interested in putting myself up for hire (also for testing purposes, of course) and browse throughout portfolios (or so they’re called here?) in the Talent Hub!

Thanks for reading through,



I’m interested in joining the BETA because it has been very difficult to find collaborators on the DevForum. I’ve resorted to Twitter, contacts and 3rd party platforms most of the time and I’m hoping Talent Hub will change this. And I’d like to contribute as a tester because this is a feature that I really need and want to improve.

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Hello, I’m aalbox and I’m interested in joining the beta Talent hub.

If this is still open I would love to opt in!
Finding people for jobs is always a hassle and this program sounds extremely interesting!

How do i join the beta testing?

If this is still open I would love to opt in!

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Interested in joining the Beta, whenever it’s available again, of course :slight_smile:.