Tastetea | Warnings Guide

Tastetea | Warnings Guide


This is a brief guide on how and when to issue warnings to customers. If the customer(s) commits a minor offense, you should give them one warning, so they can stop. If they do not listen then you either ban them or call for an admin to do so. Keep in mind that we do not issue official warnings, like ‘Warning I | Trolling’. Instead, we simply ask them to stop. However, if they commit any major offense, do not interact with them in any way; inform an admin straight away.

Minor Offenses

  • Usage of a one-time curse word
  • Ordering above the item limit
  • Not ordering off the menu
  • Bothering others
  • Excessively arguing with anyone
  • Inappropriate clothing

Please note that these are not all the minor offenses that could be committed in-game. It is up to you to determine whether their actions are minor or major.

Major Offenses

  • Usage of constant curse words
  • Obvious trolling
  • Spamming
  • Racist, vulgar, homophobic, etc. comments
  • Insulting others
  • Glitching
  • Inappropriate username
  • Exploiting

Please note that these are not all the minor offenses that could be committed in-game. It is up to you to determine whether their actions are minor or major.

The Tastetea Presidential Board