[TDW] Celvestia's Achievement System

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The Dark Warriors

Celvestia’s Achievement System

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - Legacy Training’s

  • [3.1] - What are Achievements?
  • [3.2] - Achievement Distribution & Promotions
  • [3.3] - Penalties

[4.0] - Soreya Training’s

  • [4.1] - TBA
  • [4.2] - TBA
  • [4.3] - TBA

[5.0] - Additional Information
[6.0] - Conclusion

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:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

This document will go over the achievements system for training’s in Celvestia. The purpose of the achievements system is to track the progress of Celvestians during training’s such as winning a TDM, completing an obstacle the fastest, and so on. This helps the host measure people based on what they’re accomplishing during training’s and it gives them a standard base line for what’s the minimum amount required for eligibility of a promotion for the Cyterian and Sisterian Grade. The following sections will go over what the Celvestian Achievement System is.

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | Legacy Training’s]:black_small_square:

The achievements system will vary between Legacy and Soreya for obvious reasons. Legacy is all manual work and commands while Soreya does most of it for you. How it works in Legacy is a new leaderboard value has been added called “Achievements”. It’s set to as a StringValue so that when you use the “:rs all” command or “:resetstats all” it won’t reset Achievements. To give a Celvestian a point just say :add [username] A [Number]. So if they’re at 4 points it’ll become 5. To take away a point just say :subtract [username] A [Number]. So if they’re at 5 points it goes back to 4. That’s an example of how rewarding and deducting is done for Achievements. Quite simple. If I want to deduct PlayerB a point and they have 6, I’d do :subtract PlayerB A 1. If I want to reward an entire team a point and the team name is “TDW” I’d say :add team-tdw A 1. Same goes for subtracting. The achievements is meant to be a simple solution towards who’s completing and doing what during training’s and it also keeps track of who’s late and who isn’t participating. Achievements can be given out based on completion of events/activities during the training, good behavior, following orders, helping others, and overall just being a example to follow for others. The following sub sections shall go over the details of Legacy Achievements.

:black_small_square:[3.1 | What are Achievements?]:black_small_square:

Achievements are progress points for both the host and the participants of the training to take note of when considering who’s eligible for a promotion and who isn’t. Achievements are based on the behavior of a Celvestian, how well they follow orders, how much they help around and instruct others when he/she sees someone in need of assistance and the host is too busy, telling troublemakers to knock it off and making the host’ life easier, their overall behavior, and last but certainly not least what activities they complete during training’s. Basically be the best version of yourself and try to complete as many activities as possible. After training your achievements are reset by the host saying “:change all A 0” and dismissing. This way it’s always a fresh start every time. If you do accidentally leave the training don’t worry, your achievements save. The host just has to make sure he resets everyone’s achievements at the beginning and end of a training. Section 3.2 will go over how the distribution of these points work for certain activities during training’s as well as good behavior.

:black_small_square:[3.2 | Achievement Distribution & Promotions]:black_small_square:

Distributing achievements will vary between each activity and act the Celvestian does/partakes in. This section will go over what certain activities/behaviors are worth in-terms of points as well as how promotions will work at training’s for the Cyterian (L1 - L4) and Sisterian (M1 - M3, not including M4 for this) Grades.

For a Cyterian Grade (L1 - L4) member to be eligible for a promotion (eligible meaning they are qualified and can be promoted but it’s up to the host if they shall be promoted) they need at least 6 achievement points by the end of the training. If they have 6 then they’re eligible to be picked for a promotion. Having 6 doesn’t guarantee they get a promotion though. It comes down to the host as well as your behavior. Especially if you were deducted points during events. However, for Cyterian Grade members it’s rather easy to get promoted.

For a Sisterian Grade (M1 - M3) member to be eligible for a promotion they need at least 10 achievements points by the end of the training.** If they have 10 then they’re eligible to be picked for a promotion, however, freshly promoted Sisterian Grade members won’t be picked right off the bat. It’s recommended that Sisterian Grade members get 10+ points consistently at training’s to look really good in-front of the host and other S & V Grade members. If you get repeat offense deductions (lose lots of points for bad behavior) it’ll prevent you from reaching the next rank with a longer wait time.

Achievement Activity Values:

NOTE: The host is able to customize the values of each game mode. These are just the standard values. You can award 2 points instead of 1 for the TDM winners for example. It’s up to the host if he/she wants to be creative.

Team Death Match - Every Celvestian that is still alive on the winning team gets 1 point added.
Free For All - The survivors each get 1 point added.
Sword/Gun Fighting Tournament - The winner of the SFT/GFT gets 2 points. If you do a losers SFT/GFT then the winner of the losers SFT/GFT gets 1 point.
Colors - The last person alive gets 1 point.
Sharks - If the shark wins, the shark gets 1 point. If the last minnow wins, the minnow gets 1 point.
Practice Raids - The winning team of the PR gets 2 points (if you’re doing it with a :wolimit then only the people still alive get points).
Obstacles - People who complete an obstacle course get 1 point. If you do a race, then the fastest players (top 3) can get 1 point.
Team Work Obstacles - If everyone is working together and they manage to reach the end with at least a few people then everyone that participated gets 1 point. If you do a race between two teams then the winning team gets 1 point.
Gladiators - Winning team gets 1 point (including people who are out).
Fun/Other Activities - This can range from juggernaut, ghosts, Pokemon battles, and so on. Each event is worth 1 point. It’s up to the host how he/she wants to reward the points for these fun events. Fun events also include creative activities the host comes up with.

Outstanding Behavior Values:

NOTE: Outstanding Behavior achievement points are optional for a host to give. Do not expect to be given one. You should be doing these good deeds already. These are just rewards in-case the host or an S & V Grade member notices your outstanding behavior.

Following host/S & V orders, respecting others and your host, enforcing event/UD rules if necessary, being mature, suggesting creative activities to the host, and helping fellow members who are in need of assistance for whatever it may be are each worth 1 point.

Helping your host if you see he/she is struggling and disciplining troublemakers plus telling the host about the troublemakers are each worth 2 points.

This entire section is subject to change and will be updated as we continue to test this system.

:black_small_square:[3.3 | Penalties]:black_small_square:

Achievement Penalties are given out when a Celvestian isn’t following orders, being disruptive, acting like a bad role model, and other negatively impacting acts and behaviors that are being displayed/demonstrated by the unruly Celvestian. If they’re acting up during training’s, achievement point deductions can be given out as a form of punishment. Muting, kicking, and banning are also encouraged/enforced for repeat offenses, that’s up to the host.

Penalty Degrees:

   First Degree - 1 point deduction and a warning.
   Second Degree - 2 point deduction and a warning.
   Third Degree - 3 point deduction and a kick.
   Fourth Degree - Banned from the training plus a demotion.

:black_small_square:[4.0 | Soreya Training’s]:black_small_square:

This is to be announced. Soreya is currently outdated and her scripts need to be replaced. This might not happen for a while so just refer to section 3.0 - 3.3 for achievements. However, the future version of Soreya will be automated like it is now, so achievements are all handled by the system unlike Legacy.

:black_small_square:[4.1 | To Be Announced]:black_small_square:

To be announced. True to our Heart of Gold!

:black_small_square:[4.2 | To Be Announced]:black_small_square:

To be announced. True to our Heart of Gold!

:black_small_square:[4.3 | To Be Announced]:black_small_square:

To be announced. True to our Heart of Gold!

:black_small_square:[5.0 | Additional Information]:black_small_square:

Any questions and/or concerns about this system can be directed towards the Venerius himself. Everything you need to know about Legacy and it’s maps, procedures, and general information can be found here. Tutorials and walk-through’s can be found here for both Soreya and Legacy. More information will be released as the system gets updated to fit the current state of Celvestia as well as our training places.

:black_small_square:[6.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

Thank you for taking the time to read through the achievement system. This system is meant to help with keeping track of our Celvestian’s progress during training’s so that we can better determine who is more eligible for promotions as well as who’s participating, who’s late, and who’s being disruptive. We hope you enjoy your time at our training’s and remember to stay true to your Heart of Gold!

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.


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