Common Laws of Celvestia
‘Golden Era’
“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."
[-Table of Contents-]
[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - UD Section 3.1
[4.0] - Conclusion
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[1.0 | Introduction]
This section covers the restrictions, limitations, and laws placed upon the common/lower Grades of Celvestia. However, all the Grades, including the S & V, will follow and uphold these laws regardless of their position. Now due to the maximum character limit for the Universal Decree document I had to move this section to a separate thread entirely. Hope there’s no inconveniences!
[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]
“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”
“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”
[3.0 | UD Section 3.1]
NOTE: This is a part of the Universal Decree.
Common Laws
We expect every member to comply with the ROBLOX Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
If you’re on Celvestian territory, you are on-duty. You must represent us actively and accurately.
If you’re wearing our uniform, you are on-duty. This will be further discussed a few laws below.
When present at an event, regardless if it’s official, follow what the host/leader of the event is stating. If you fail to comply with what the host is asking of you to do then you will be removed from the event. This applies to Siderian and Venerian Grade members as well. If you refuse to listen to the host you will be kicked from the event as a first offense. Any repeat offenses will be a removal from the rest of the event. If you catch a Siderian or Venerian Grade member refusing to acknowledge these rules you must immediately report them to someone of higher stature or TheCelvestian himself.
No Celvestian is above the Laws of Celvestia. If you catch a Grade member breaking any of the laws listed here or suspect that person is breaking a law then you must screenshot/record that person committing that supposed crime.
When present at an event, always wear our uniform with the pride of Celvestia flowing within you. You are representing your community and therefore you must show respect to the foundation that you so have dedicated yourself to. If you can’t afford the uniform then you may apply for funding in the Celvestian Donations group. However, you must read the requirements in the description of the group to see if you’re eligible. Refusing to wear the uniform grants you a kick from the event as a first offense. A Second offense is a ban. Any repeated offenses beyond that point will be bans. If your behavior becomes problematic and shows signs of no change then you will be blacklisted.
If you are to go inactive/take leave from the group for some time, you must notify us prior. You can either do this via Discord on the #inactivity_notices channel (preferred), the Group Wall, or by messaging a Venerian Grade member. Failure to do this might result you in a demotion due to the administration not knowing about your recent absence from the group.
You must follow the rules set for each Celvestian game. This especially applies to the training and defense-based events. If you fail to abide to any of the rules you will be punished accordingly. If you fail to abide to the rules you will be removed from the event and possibly demoted. A second offense is another demotion and a two day suspension from the Discord and Events. A third offense is a three-rank demotion and a whole week suspension. A fourth offense is an exile. A fifth offense is a blacklist.
If you’re caught exploiting at any Celvestian game you will be immediately suspended if not exiled depending on the severity of the situation. We do not tolerate exploiters as we are trying to uphold our reputation and community standards as well as the ROBLOX Terms of Service.
If there’s a defense/raid going on in Celvestia and you decide to side with the enemy because you’re in both groups you will be demoted on the spot with a two day suspension from either the Discord and Events following that instance. A second offense will result in three-rank demotion and a whole week suspension. A third offense is an exile.
Divisions are no exception to the law. Everyone will follow the Laws of Celvestia, including the White Raven members.
Any member caught swearing, using any form of derogatory/offensive language in a serious tone, insulting, and/or arguing with others will be dealt with accordingly by the administration that’s present at the time. Serious cases will have you either muted or removed from the Discord/Event and possibly demoted, suspended, or exiled. To make this rule clear: We understand people will be joking around and playfully insult each other. However, if everyone participating in that conversation deems it to be unnecessary and of a serious and disgusting nature then you will be approached for the accusations towards you.
The second you put on your uniform, regardless if you’re on or off-duty, you will represent us appropriately and follow the Laws of Celvestia. If you’re caught breaking those laws while wearing our uniform you will be warned as a first offense. Second offense is a demotion. Third offense is a whole week suspension and a three-rank demotion. Fourth offense is an exile.
If you’re switching to a new account you must notify the Celvestian Siderian or Venerian Grade about this switch so that we may place you at the rank your previous account was at.
Alternative accounts are allowed as long as you notify the Siderian and Venerian Grade members.
If a Joint Event is being held at an allies facility, you must follow the host’ rules. However, these laws are still in-effect regardless if you’re on foreign soil. When you’re on foreign soil you must abide to both our laws and theirs. Failure to do so might result in an instant demotion or possibly a whole week suspension. Any serious cases could lead to an exile. We consider this to be a serious offense due to the nature of this law. You’re on foreign soil, don’t try to start a war.
Members that are suspended are not allowed to attend any events nor access the Discord Server until their sentence is up.
Game Night is no exception to these laws. However, unless the host asks you to wear your uniform at the Game Night you don’t need to wear it.
If an [M4] Gradastian wishes to host an event it is mandatory for them to find a supervisor to watch over their event. However, if there is no one online to supervise they must leave a note to the Venerian Grade members that they will be attempting to host an event (only training’s if you’re without a supervisor) and anything that goes wrong during the event will be entirely their fault and will accept all consequences associated with it.
If the event is to be taken seriously (such as meetings, joint events, rallies, or whatever the host deems to be of a disciplined and serious manner) there shall be no faces of any kind. We understand that accidents may happen, however, repeat offenses will have you removed from any future serious events.
When you’re at an event, if a friend or visitor decides to follow and approach you in the game you are given a minute to explain to them that you are currently unavailable to talk and that you must resume the event. That is all your given. Once your minute is up those visitors will then be removed from the event.
When addressing someone in a Grade that is higher than yours you must call them either “Ma’am.” or “Sir.” at serious events. Unless they tell you otherwise you must continue addressing them as it is. Cyterian Grade members are not required to call other higher ranked Cyterian Grade members official titles due to their status being significantly lower than other Grades. NOTE: When addressing TheCelvestian, do not call him Sir. He does not like it when you call him Sir. Call him either “My Lord”, “My Venerius”, or ‘Celv’ if you’re feeling confident.
Committing any form of treason (spying, exposing private/group only information, siding with the enemy during wartime, etc.) against Celvestia will result in an instantaneous exile from the nation. Severe cases lead to a blacklist.
Promotions are something you earn. Do not ask for a promotion. First offense is a warning. Second offense is a final warning. Third offense is a demotion. Any offenses beyond that are just repeated demotions. You may only demote the person after you’ve given your two initial warnings.
When present at a raid or defense you are to ignore the enemy’s taunts, flames, baits, and messages at all costs. You will remain in Team Chat for the duration of the raid until you are told otherwise by the Raid Leader. You open Team chat just type in “/t” before your message and it’ll show as this, “[TEAM] How is the terminal looking?” this ensures proper communication between our members and prevents our enemy from seeing our plans and positions during the event. It also avoids feeding the trolls and flame baits.
As long as you’re wearing your uniform we are not concerned with what you wear for accessories, hats, and so on. If you choose to wear a package please wear one that doesn’t obscure/hide the uniform in any way, shape, or form. Otherwise have fun expressing your true colors (pun intended since we have custom color uniforms)!
You must act mature at serious events such as meetings, joint events, and any event deemed serious and discipline-heavy by the host. If the host allows for you to be immature you may do so to an extent. Do not abuse this privilege.
Never accept surrender nor defeat. Keep fighting until the very last second. This applies to any event. If you’re caught surrendering/accepting defeat you will be given a stern lecture about loyalty and commitment.
It is not recommended for you to use all caps, however, if something is of utmost importance and requires immediate attention such as raiders deploying at our Capital without us knowing then you are allowed in that instance. However, doing it just for laughs is not allowed.
If you are to join our Discord Server, you are required to join our Voice Chats if we’re doing a raid or defense. This does not mean you have to talk. You can stay silent and just listen in on direct orders and plans. Voice Chatting for training’s isn’t mandatory but it makes it a lot more enjoyable for both yourself and everyone else, trust us. This goes for any other event.
If you’re currently conducting an online relationship with someone within Celvestia you must not demonstrate any form of PDA (public display of affection). Keep it behind closed doors and outside of Celvestia. Just note that ROBLOX does not allow Online Dating and nor do we. So keep this out of ROBLOX.
Do not leave in the middle of a defense/raid that is taking place. Do not go AFK in the middle of a defense/raid that is taking place. Unless you give us a legitimate reason (family emergency, power outage imminent, your safety is compromised, anything that isn’t a mediocre excuse) otherwise your first offense for leaving the event will most likely be a demotion or suspension from events for the rest of the day. Going AFK will result in you being removed and replaced from the event itself. Repeat AFK offenses result in demotions. Repeat event leaving results in further demotions and possible suspensions.
Once you have retired from Celvestia and have been placed in the ‘[-] Retired Celvestian’ rank then you are no longer recognized as an active Grade member. There is no special treatment towards retired Celvestians. You will be treated like any other Cyterian Grade member if you choose to act like you still have any authoritative power in Celvestia. You’re retired - meaning you’re no longer an S & V member. However, you must still treat them with respect for their contributions.
Don’t disrupt meetings. Act mature and professional otherwise you will be banned. Do not fool around during raids/defenses otherwise you will be kicked and replaced by someone else. These also apply to other event types.
Retired Celvestians that still wear the Celvestian uniform or the Veteran uniform must still act appropriately and respectful as they are representing Celvestia by wearing our uniform that commemorates their service.
Obey the commands and orders given to you by a TCK division member while they’re on-duty patrolling or protecting their objective. Failure to do so could get yourself killed.
There are no loopholes to these laws. Attempting to weasel your way around any of these laws will result in a prolonged punishment.
Do not use your rank to get any sort of monetary or personal gain both within and outside of the Celvestia.
Use common sense and have fun.
[4.0 | Conclusion]
This will be updated continuously and act as a section of the Universal Decree until further notice. Any further suggestions and ideas must be sent to an S & V Grade member and will be put up to a vote depending on its legitimacy. Thank you for reading and as always, stay true to your heart of gold!
Signed by the Following:
- TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
- AgnitedFury, Celvas of Celvestia.
- SanityCheck, Celvas of Celvestia.
- ElderCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
- MysticCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
- Swordloxx, Jakorious of Celvestia.
- Sketchys, Jakorious of Celvestia.
- Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.