[TDW] The Universal Decree of Celvestia

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The Dark Warriors

Celvestia’s Laws

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - Celvestia’s Law Structure

  • [3.1] - Common Laws of Celvestia
  • [3.2] - S & V Laws of Celvestia
  • [3.3] - Department Procedures & Laws of Celvestia
  • [3.4] - Outside Communication Protocol

[4.0] - How Laws are Passed and Created
[5.0] - The Consequences
[6.0] - The Case Appeals Process
[7.0] - Conclusion

Note: Press Ctrl+F, this allows you to easily navigate through the sections and sub sections by entering the sections tag and name then clicking enter.

:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

As a nation we must uphold our community standards and maintain a civil and orderly atmosphere where everyone can prosper in a healthy and growing environment. With that being said, a set of laws such as these will help clarify and strengthen the many in-place yet underlying rules that have been outspoken and defended from time-to-time. As we continue to expand as a community it is of utmost importance to utilize the communication that we posses to relay back to all of you the proper etiquette and and procedures to follow when present on Celvestian premises. We hope you understand, acknowledge, and memorize some of these laws if you intend on furthering your career in Celvestia. Thank you for taking the time for looking over our laws. We hope you enjoy your stay within Celvestia’s borders.

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | Celvestia’s Law Structure]:black_small_square:

The following laws will be separated into three categories. This will help with organization and ease of access when traversing the outline. The Common Laws cover practically everything that’s considered ‘Common Knowledge’ or ‘Common Laws’ that are found in the majority of nations that allow civil liberty and freedom for their citizens and military personnel. S & V Laws of Celvestia cover the laws that surround the Siderian and Venerian Grades. To prevent any corruption, greed, abuse, and so on from occurring within our administration we must ensure that they follow these set laws that keep their powers balanced and in-place. If any of the Grade members were to break these laws there will be severe consequences in-comparison to most of the Common Laws. Outside Communication Protocol are found in our Discord Server in the rules channel. However, since several members might not have Discord or any other outside platform we’ll have the rules posted here if they do consider joining us in the outside servers. The following three sub-sections will cover all the laws that are currently active and in-place for Celvestia. This will be constantly updated as time goes on, especially if new events or any scandals occur within our structure and administration. We will be keeping a sharp eye out for any potential scenario that needs to be covered by a certain law. If you have any suggestions for appropriate community laws, you may personally message any of the Siderian or Venerian Grade members.

NOTE: The number next to each law is the official law number. For example: If I wanted to cite the law that covers the ROBLOX Terms of Service and Community Guidelines I’d state the following phrase, “Common Laws Law 1 states - We expect every member to comply with the ROBLOX Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.” This law is recognized as “Law 1” for the Common Laws section. If I wanted to cite something from the following section I’d say, “S & V Law 7 states - The current Venerius in-power can veto any law at any given time if deemed necessary.” This law is recognized as “Law 7” for the S & V section.

:black_small_square:[3.1 | Common Laws of Celvestia]:black_small_square:

These laws apply to all the Grades of Celvestia and are constantly enforced. However, due to the maximum character limit for this document I had to move this section to a separate thread entirely.

Common Laws

[TDW] Common Laws of Celvestia

:black_small_square:[3.2 | S & V Laws of Celvestia]:black_small_square:

S & V stands for Siderian & Venerian Grade. These laws apply to these two Grades only with the exception of it applying to the [M4] Gradastian rank as well. However, due to the maximum character limit for this document I had to move this section to a separate thread entirely.

S & V Laws

[TDW] S & V Laws of Celvestia

:black_small_square:[3.3 | Department Procedures & Laws of Celvestia]:black_small_square:

This section covers the restrictions and limitations placed upon the departments of Celvestia and what their tasks and capabilities are. It will list some of the procedures associated with the departments. However, due to the maximum character limit for this document I had to move this section to a separate thread entirely.

Department Procedures & Laws

[TDW] Department Procedures & Laws

:black_small_square:[3.4 | Outside Communication Protocol]:black_small_square:

This section covers Discord, Skype, text messaging, or any other outside communication app/service

I want to make it perfectly clear that all the laws posted here in this document apply to the outside communication apps such as Discord (which is our primary communication service as of right now). The rules for the Discord Server are found in the #rules channel inside our server upon joining. Skype is no longer in-use, however, if it were to be used the same rules from Discord transfer over to Skype as well as text messaging. Several Venerian and Siderian Grade members, including myself, are in a text message chat and are able to talk to each other instantaneously. However, this does not excuse them from the laws. They are to follow proper etiquette and manners as if it were a professional setting or serious event.

If you wish to join our Discord Server, go to this link here and the server should be pinned at the top: https://twitter.com/TheCelvestian

:black_small_square:[4.0 | How Laws are Passed and Created]:black_small_square:

The Venerian and Siderian Grades have the power to create Laws, vote them in, and rightfully pass them with the final approval of the Venerius as it gets ratified into the official list of laws. Laws can be suggested at random by anyone from any background. If the law is plausible and legitimate it will be considered by the higher grades and brought up for discussion. If it is mostly favored upon it will then be brought up for a vote in which the majority must win for it to be considered as a pass. The vote can either be tallied using outside voting applications, Discord bot voting, or manual text entry voting. Anyone in the community has the power to influence and change our laws. They’re free to exercise their civil liberties and freedoms that allows them to do just that. However, recall to S & V Law 7 to take note that the Venerius will always have the power to veto laws that are deemed unconstitutional towards our structure.

:black_small_square:[5.0 | The Consequences]:black_small_square:

Some laws have specific consequences/punishments associated with them and those will remain as is, however, this section covers the in-general punishments that cover different severity levels. Severity levels are based on how severely the law was broken. Degrees are different punishments that can be given out by Siderian and Venerian Grade members. Depending on what your crime case falls under you will receive the punishment that best fits the action you’ve committed. If you acted immature at an event two times in a row after an already issued warning then this kind of case would fall under a level 1 severity case. Best possible punishment for this would be, if not issued already, a final warning. The highest case level is level 4 in terms of how severe it can get. Level 1 covers all the cases that are small, doesn’t require much attention, and has a rather quick resolution. Level 2 covers cases that require attention, are becoming somewhat annoying but not problematic yet, but still have a moderately quick solution. Level 3 covers cases that involved either the vast majority of the Siderian Grade or the Venerian grade, had repeat offenses that led to suspension and three-rank demotions, and has become a problematic trend. Level 4 covers cases that have major involvement from the Venerian and Siderian Grade, has resulted in a extended suspension or worse punishments, and has become a nail in the foot of the Venerian and Siderian Grade. This will cover punishments within those four levels based on how dire the situation was when the law was broken.

Level 1 (Small Cases):

    First Degree - First Warning
    Second Degree - Final Warning
    Third Degree - Kicked from the event and/or muted in the Discord for 15 minutes.
    Fourth Degree - Demoted and/or muted in the Discord for 3 hours.
    Fifth Degree - Three-rank Demotion and a 3 day suspension from the Discord.
    Sixth Degree - Placed at Citizen and suspended for a whole week from Discord.

Level 2 (Moderate Cases):

    First Degree - First and only warning.
    Second Degree - Removal from the event and/or muted in the Discord for 30 minutes.
    Third Degree - Demoted and suspended from events and the Discord for the rest of the day.
    Fourth Degree - Suspended from events and the Discord for three days.
    Fifth Degree - Suspended from events and the Discord for a whole week.
    Sixth Degree - Placed at Citizen and suspended for two weeks from the Discord only.

Level 3 (Problematic Cases):

	First Degree - Suspended from events for the rest of the day and a demotion.
    Second Degree - Suspended for a week from the Discord only and a three-rank demotion.
    Third Degree - Suspended for two weeks from the Discord only and placed at Citizen.
    Fourth Degree - A month long Discord suspension and a temporary blacklist from reaching Gradastian.
    Fifth Degree - Exiled and blacklisted from reaching Gradastian until further notice.
    Sixth Degree - Exiled and blacklisted from the group until further notice.

Level 4 (Pray to Sorahn that you will not end up here):

	First Degree - Suspended for two weeks from Discord only and placed at Citizen.
	Second Degree - Exiled and blacklisted from reaching Gradastian until further notice.
    Third Degree - Blacklisted from Celvestia for a month and from reaching Gradastian.
    Fourth Degree - Guilty of high treason against Celvestia. Permanent Blacklist (until further notice).
    Fifth Degree - I tell my mom.
    Sixth Offense - I tell your mom.

:black_small_square:[6.0 | The Case Appeals Process]:black_small_square:

The case appeals process, otherwise known as AP, is for those who wish to appeal against a sentence that was given to them for breaking a law from the Universal Decree. However, the case must be a second level offense or higher for it to be considered for an appeal. You can read more about the AP here.

:black_small_square:[7.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

These laws are in-effect as of 7/25/2018. From here on out, Celvestians are expected to follow these laws and adhere to them in the utmost respectful manner. We hope that this helps establish a more civil and orderly community as well as it strengthening our structure in more ways than one. We will continue to update these laws, pass more, and list them here for all of you to see. We will be referencing these laws throughout our days if we catch people breaking them. We hope everyone fully understands the magnitude of the consequences that are associated with breaking these laws so that they may avoid breaking them in the first place. We expect full compliance, obedience, and loyalty from our fellow Celvestians. We continue to progress forward as a nation that has found its place in the Iriquencian Galactic System. We grow stronger everyday, yet we must be cautious of what’s happening back home. These laws will do just that. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge our list, procedures, and degrees. We hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Celvestia. And remember, stay true to your heart of gold!

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • AgnitedFury, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • SanityCheck, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Montrulio, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Embresk, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • WinterCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Swordloxx, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Sketchys, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Okruu, Beston of Celvestia.
  • GrandAllister, Beston of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.


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