[TDW] The Daily Tasks of S & V (ARCHIVED)

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The Dark Warriors

Celvestian Tasks

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - Celvestian Tasks Layout

  • [3.1] - Internal Affairs Tasks
  • [3.2] - External Affairs Tasks
  • [3.3] - Community Relations Tasks
  • [3.4] - Development Tasks

[4.0] - Additional Information
[5.0] - Conclusion

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:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

This document covers the many different tasks that the S & V Grade members can work on. These tasks are meant to last and are never permanently completed. It acts more as a reference sheet in-case some S & V Grade members are unsure of what they should be doing when on-duty. The tasks are split into four different categories, each pertaining to what the S & V Grade member could be doing if they aren’t assigned a task already.

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | Celvestian Tasks Layout]:black_small_square:

The tasks for the S & V Grade are laid out in four different categories: external, internal, community, and development. External affairs focuses on tasks related to warfare, alliances, scouting, etc… Internal affairs focuses on tasks related to infrastructure, laws, procedures, commands, etc… Community focuses on tasks related to community feedback, voting, moderation, etc… Development focuses on tasks related to building, scripting, graphics design, etc… Each of the 4 categories contribute to Celvestia’s well being and success. In order to maintain that level of success we must make sure the completion of assigned tasks are met weekly. Otherwise, nothing will get done.

:black_small_square:[3.1 | Internal Affairs Tasks]:black_small_square:

Internal Affairs tasks deals with everything that has to do with structure. The S & V Grade members that take these tasks are assisting the Venerius with the majority of the reforms that take place in Celvestia. The Venerius expects them to be assisting him with whatever he needs that is in regards to the structure of Celvestia. This could mean anything that isn’t covered by the other three categories. Since the Venerius is tasked with a lot of jobs and projects as it is, the S & V Grade members will be available on stand-by for him whenever. Internal Affairs is also heavily tied to the Universal Decree and is the front line of defense for the law and order of our community. This category deals with a lot of policing towards the structure itself, ensuring the Universal Decree stays true to its initial purpose and is enforced throughout the community.

Main Tasks/Jobs (Not all of them are listed):

    Universal Decree Management - This task is given to several people who help manage and keep the UD up-to-date with new laws, punishments, and so on. 'This is not a critical job', however, it is imperative to preserve the UD.
    Reform Assistance - Participating in the reformation process of Celvestia and helping the Venerius with whatever it may be that concerns the structural integrity of the community.
    Application Processes - Anything involving applications for either moderation, ranking, programs, and so on falls under this category as well. 'Both Internal Affairs and Community Relations work on this task.'
    Infrastructure Assistance - This covers all of the structure-based projects the Venerius is working on.
    Universal Decree Policing -  Enforcing the UD document as well as policing how it is integrated into our community. Making sure people understand it.
    Discord Organization - You are tasked with making sure the Discord Server is visibly appealing to users. This could mean from making sure there is no channel clutter to fixing bot problems.
    Granting Division Power - This one will need permission from the Venerius himself to give the OK for someone to start a division.
    Spreadsheet Management - You are tasked with resetting the quota spreadsheet (only certain ranks can access this one, H3+).
    M3 Selection - You are tasked with reviewing the rank [M3] Sisteria for Celvestians who are applicable for [M4] Gradastian and were not noticed beforehand. ' You will also review the M3 rank to see who will be ranked down for lack of contribution.'
    S & V Review - Every S & V Grade member will be reviewed based on how active they have been, how much they have contributed, and so on. 'The list will be compiled together and sent to the Venerius himself.'
    Judicial Duty - This is assigned to S & V Grade members who are currently acting as judges in a case appeal.

The tasks/jobs listed above are just some of the things the IA category has. This list just shows some of the more majors ones that sets it apart from the other three categories. However, you’ll see several tasks/jobs listed here pop-up in the next three section lists.

:black_small_square:[3.2 | External Affairs Tasks]:black_small_square:

The External Affairs category deals with everything that has to do with foreign policy. In my opinion, this is probably the easiest category to maintain, however, it is often associated with grave consequences if not treated appropriately. Foreign policy covers everything that deals with alliances, wars, negotiations, joint events with foreign leaders/parties, and so on. These tasks handle the majority of negotiations alongside the Venerius himself such as war talks, forging an alliance, defense pacts, coalitions, and so on. The EA tasks ensures that any and all joint events run smoothly and are to be noted for records to maintain the peace among our allies and sometimes our enemies. The primary purpose of these tasks is to manage relations between the Celvestia and the nations we come in-contact with. However, foreign policy is not the only thing the EA category addresses. External Affairs in short covers all types of relations in our structure.

Main Tasks/Jobs (Not all of them are listed):

    Alliance Maintenance - Keeping the peace between Celvestia and our allies. Keeping up with recent news and events going on with our allies to make sure we are up-to-date with what is going on outside of our jurisdiction.
    Negotiations - Every S & V Grade member is allowed to participate in negotiations between Celvestia and other nations. It can stretch between befriending coalitions, initiating conflicts, forging alliances, and so on. However, with permission from the Venerius with this task you can choose who to participate in negotiations.
    Department Relations - External Affairs also covers the internal communications of Celvestia makes sure everyone is cooperating with one another accordingly and information is being relayed at a reasonable pace.
    War Records Management - This task is given to several people who will help manage and update the War Records when it is necessary. They will be working with the Venerius on this task.
    Target Finding - You will be tasked to actively search for new potential raid, defense, and war targets for Celvestia to consider.
    Ally Finding - You will be tasked to actively search for new potential allies and/or mutual partners for Celvestia to consider.
    Managing Hybrid Members - You will be tasked to actively manage members that have citizenship in both Celvestian and in neighboring nations (members that are in both TDW and allies). They will be monitoring their progress, behavior, and involvement in the other nation. This is for personal reference and to make sure if any higher grade member joins an ally that they would not side with the ally over Celvestia if anything were to happen. Your loyalty is with us.

The tasks/jobs listed above are just some of the things the EA category has. This list just shows some of the more majors ones that sets it apart from the other three categories. However, you’ll see several tasks/jobs listed here pop-up in the next two section lists.

:black_small_square:[3.3 | Community Relations Tasks]:black_small_square:

The Community Relations category works directly with the community. Every suggestion, feedback, note, poll, concluded vote, and so-on gets relayed to the task holders and from there is posted for the other S & V Grade members to see as well as the Venerius himself. The CR category has a critical role in the entire structure and the people working these tasks will be expected to go above and beyond their comfort zones to work with all kinds of people to ensure the community is safe, engaged, healthy, and growing. Community Relations also helps announce current events taking place within Celvestia such as development updates, structure updates, and so on. They also work to improve the current Discord experience by constantly updating and moderating the server to the best of their abilities.

Main Tasks/Jobs (Not all of them are listed):

    Community Feedback/Suggestions - You are in-charge of sending out information to the other S & V Grade members and the Venerius based on what the community itself is suggesting that can be implemented into the group. This is made easier with the suggestions channel in our Discord Server, however, people are always welcome to post their suggestions on the group wall. You will actively check for suggestions from anyone and everyone or even ask people for suggestions on certain topics that can help improve the community overall.
    Community Announcements - You will be working with the Venerius very closely on all the projects involving the community. This covers anything based around the following: lore, role-play, games, development, etc. They will check-in on progress being made in the group and relay this information to the rest of the community to keep them up-to-date with what is going on.
    Weekly & Monthly Newsletter - The Venerius has considered this to be essential for the community as it will help bring all of the recent events and updates that have happened within the past few weeks or within that month specifically and then pieced together in a flashy newsletter that would then be announced and forwarded towards the community. 
    Polls and Voting - You are in-charge of gathering information from polls regarding suggestions, feedback, approvals, rejections, and so on. Both community and HICOM polls.
    Discord Guardian - A select few will be selected to become the Discord Guardian.
    Donation Requests - You are tasked with the management of the [Celvestian Donations](https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3052000) group in order to keep the requests for funding steady and flowing at a reasonable pace while still abiding by the set requirements in the description of the group.
    New Event Listing - When new events are thought up and/or suggested then it will be logged in a document that is shared among the S & V Grades so that the list of events can be accessed with ease and be referred to whenever.
    Tutorial Setup - If you are assigned to do this task then you are given a specific tutorial/walk-through video to do for Celvestia.

The tasks/jobs listed above are just some of the things the CR category has. This list just shows some of the more majors ones that sets it apart from the other three categories. However, you’ll see several tasks/jobs listed here pop-up in the next two section lists.

:black_small_square:[3.3 | Development Tasks]:black_small_square:

:black_small_square:[4.0 | Additional Information]:black_small_square:

To make things perfectly clear, departments will not exactly exist, it’s the tasks associated to each of those departments that will be handed out to the Venerian & Siderian grade members. The reason the departments exist is to organize major tasks that require the attention of multiple people on-deck to address it. This capitalizes off of the members strengths more than it does their weaknesses. Some may argue that it only works out your strengths and doesn’t work towards improving your weaker features. However, the purpose of this department organization is to give you something you can work with to help better the community and the group overall. On the side, you will be training and practicing with other more experienced people in the fields that you are weaker in. Let’s say you’re incredible in negotiating with foreign leaders into getting them to forge an alliance with us but you’re terrible with anything that has to do with strategy. You’ll be given small exercises and practices outside of your work-place. That’s how it’ll essentially work. I could personally DM/PM you exercises to fulfill and sometimes ‘homework’ for you to do so that you steadily improve upon your weaknesses. For strategy, we could start off with analyzing a simple sword fort. For lore, we could start off with basic examples of lore pieces that you could make for yourself and improve upon. The possibilities are endless. This is optional for these higher grade members as they’re not required by law to strengthen their weaknesses, however, it is highly recommended if you wish to further advance your career in not only Celvestia but also in real-world applications as well. You never know.

:black_small_square:[5.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

I hope this clears up the majority of questions you could possibly have about how the departments work and what tasks could be associated with them. We will be experimenting with this new structure format in-hopes that it’ll work towards a better, more organized Venerian & Siderian Grade Command. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns in-regards to how any of this works then you may personally DM/PM the Venerius himself. We hope you enjoyed your time reading and understanding this document. Have a nice rest of your day and remember, stay true to your heart of gold!

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • AgnitedFury, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • SanityCheck, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Montrulio, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Embresk, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • WinterCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Swordloxx, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Sketchys, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Okruu, Beston of Celvestia.
  • GrandAllister, Beston of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.


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