[TDW] The Gradastian Soradyne Core (ARCHIVED)

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The Dark Warriors

The Gradastian Soradyne Core Course Guide

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - The History of TDW and About Celvestia
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - The Core’s Primary Function

  • [3.1] - The Courses
  • [3.2] - Assistants & Volunteering

[4.0] - Additional Information
[5.0] - Conclusion

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:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

Celvestia wishes to see its soldiers flourish in a community that supports their endeavors in becoming a more skilled, practical, knowledgeable, and overall useful member to Celvestia. We hope to see this academy support the many who wish to become a Siderian/Venerian Grade member but are lacking in some fields. The Gradastian Soradyne Academy Core’s purpose is not to challenge you through a series of levels but rather hone your strengths and build off your weaknesses so that you are fully equipped for the higher grades. This will be explained more thoroughly throughout the following sections. Hope you learn something new about our core!

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | The Core’s Primary Function]:black_small_square:

The Gradastian Soradyne Core is not here to force you through different levels/stages just to prove that you’re capable of pulling off abilities you already knew beforehand. No, the core is to focus on purely your weaknesses that have been noticed throughout your journey in becoming a Gradastian. Let’s say you’re experienced in everything except for giving direct orders and organizing raids/defense squads. You will then be placed in the Proper Communication course where you will be taught and shown exactly how you will perfect your weakness and continuously work towards building a higher experience level in that field until you’re capable of doing it without assistance from anyone. If the Siderian and Venerian Grade members noticed that there isn’t any weaknesses associated with you that fall under our course list then you will wait patiently in the Gradastian rank until you are voted in by the vast majority in both the S & V Grades. Same process applies to those who finish the core and have worked on their weaknesses. Once they finish the core they will wait patiently in their Gradastian rank until they are voted in by the vast majority of the S & V Grades. Until then, Gradastians are required to follow the Universal Decree, Discord Rules, and so on as well as host regularly to come off as an active candidate. The Core will cover all kinds of courses that will help you build the foundation for you future career as an S & V Grade member. Here is the current course list: Combat Training, Social Anxiety Countering & Confidence Building, Event Hosting & Commands Practice, Leadership Guidance, Proper Communication, Understanding the Lore & Structure, and Discipline & Maturity Course. Depending on what you’re struggling, you will be placed under one of the ranks that is listed as a course. From there, you will be assisted with by either a Voluntary Assistant or by S & V Grade members. For specific courses, there will be tutorials associated with them. You’ll see which ones in the following section. Every course is also optional to take if you’re interested in becoming even more adept in a certain course. Courses are also open to the majority of Celvestia to join. This means any rank can join, however, Gradastians have a much higher priority than any other rank. The following section will talk about each course, what they’ll cover, how they’ll assist you, if it has tutorials, and so on.

:black_small_square:[3.1 | The Courses]:black_small_square:

The following will be organized in seperate paragraphs for their respective courses. This section will cover in-depth information as to what these courses can offer to the average Gradastian and how it will improve you as a person overall in some instances. We hope this will be of great use and service to the Celvestian Community. Goodluck and happy course hunting.

Combat Training: This will never be mandatory for Gradastians to learn. We completely understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to master specific weapons, techniques, and so on. This course is completely optional to every Gradastian and/or member who wishes to take it. It will walk you through simple yet extremely effective techniques in sword fighting, have several tutorials set-up by yours truly, and so on. It will also cover basic yet extremely effective tips and tricks for gun fighting and have tutorials to help show you some strategies and techniques that will prove incredibly efficient in battles. This course will focus heavily on team combat as your primary concern in raids and defenses is to work with one-another to secure the terminal/objective. We will do our best to provide information that will guarantee noticeable progress, especially for members who are inexperienced in combat. This course will provide tutorials for extra assistance.

Social Anxiety Countering & Confidence Building: This course will always be open for anyone to take part in. It does not have any tutorials associated with it. This will focus on building up your confidence in your abilities with proper monitoring, oversight, motivation, encouragement, and every other form of positive reinforcement. We want our community to feel safe and comfortable in their surrounding atmosphere. We understand that some really wish to become an S & V Grade member yet are afraid to converse with others and/or lack the confidence in their ability to be a role-model/leader for other lower grade members. This course will assist you in countering your social anxiety by not only building up confidence in your strengths and weaknesses but also reassuring you that you’re not alone in this journey. You have people who will actively support you and reach out to you no matter what. We will also have a dedicated channel as well just for people who have these kinds of concerns and more. We love you as a Celvestian and as a person. There should be no reason for you to feel unsafe and we will always be there to support you. Never forget that. Bless your heart.

Event Hosting & Commands Practice: This course will definitely provide tutorials as to how you use the commands at both Legacy and Soreya. It will walk you through all of the potential commands, modes, and so on that are provided at both maps. This course is designed specifically for hosting training’s, however, it can also cover how to host raids, defenses, meetings, rallies, game events, and everything else that falls under the event category. This will be a very tutorial video heavy course because everything that can be potentially taught to you can be viewed quite easily for reference in videos. However, if you require further assistance in using the hosting commands. maneuvering the maps and modes, or just not sure how to start a proper training then you can always ask a S & V Grade member or Voluntary Assistant.

Leadership Guidance: This course will be somewhat of an exclusive course to just Gradastians due to how it will function and who will be working in this course to support our Gradastians. The Venerius himself will be providing tips, tricks, methods, techniques, and all types of walk-through’s about leadership, the do’s and don’ts, and in-general information that will help you down the road as an S & V Grade member. However, this course will not go too in-depth as it will only cover the basics and some extensive knowledge on leadership. In-depth information can be requested and there will be a scheduled time for the Gradastian to talk to the Venerius himself or any Venerian Grade member about leadership. This course relies on the Gradastian him/herself to ask any questions regarding leading and what his/her primary concerns are for it. We will then diagnose a proper solution for your case.

Proper Communication: This course is quite straightforward. If you struggle to give direct orders both in-game or in voice chat then this is the course for you. This will give you tips and tricks as to how you will be giving out orders to other Celvestians as well as if you’re not sure how to use Discord or any other outside communication service then this course will walk you through how our discord works, what all the channels are for, what your role is in the server, and so on. It will be more-so focused on honing your abilities as a coordinator and communicator. As a S & V Grade member you are expected to be able to give out direct orders constantly in events such as raids and defenses as well as any other type of event. You are also expected to use voice chat if you can to give direct orders to the others in the voice chat. During raids and defenses we almost always use voice chat to deliver orders, routes, strategies, formations, etc rather quickly so everyone within that split second know what they’re doing. This will help you understand how to give those orders.

Understanding the Lore & Structure: This course is for the Gradastians and lower grade members who don’t understand our current structure even after reading the Celvesian Guide, the Universal Decree, the Departments Document, and all the additional information found in our group games and Discord server. This will also help you with trying to grasp our lore, its purpose, and what the whole jest of it really is. This course will also teach you how to start off your own lore pieces and encourage you to practice writing lore so that one day you’ll be able to assist the Venerius himself with all the lore in Celvestia. There aren’t any tutorials associated with this course, it’s more just ‘homework’ that requires you to actually dig into our structure and lore and help you understand how it all works and correlates to one-another.

Discipline & Maturity Course: This course is quite self-explanatory, if you’re struggling to maintain a mature stance at events as a Gradastian then you will be placed under this course to be monitored and corrected when you act out of line. Discord immaturity is acceptable when the tone of the conversation allows it. If everyone is acting silly in the chat and it’s allowed then you’re free to participate in it. However, obstructing events with irrational behavior is strictly forbidden and you will be penalized for it. This course is to help deter you from acting on-impulse and making a fool out of yourself at events. You will be monitored by not just your assistants, but by the entire S & V Grade Command as well as members from the community itself. If you’re not showing any signs of progress in-terms of maturing you will be punished accordingly until you shape-up. Sometimes punishments help motivate people to correct their past mistakes. However, we do not want to use this kind of force against you, only if it’s necessary. This course is quite strict and it prevents immaturity from infecting the S & V Grade Command. Think of it as a filter in this sense. If you’re struggling to control your urges, emotions, or whatever it may be then you may personally reach out to a S & V Grade member or the Venerius himself for any sort of tips/guidance that can assist you. We’re here to help. We’ve seen many people turn around and become mature and no longer make the same mistakes from the past. We hope to see you accomplish these feats as well.

:black_small_square:[3.2 | Assistants & Volunteering]:black_small_square:

So what’s a Voluntary Assistant? Well they can be anyone from the Celvestian Community that has demonstrated exceptionally high knowledge of a particular course, or courses, and are willing to reach out to any member who requires the additional assistance in their respective course. However, not every assistant will be listed in the Voluntary Assistant rank. The rank itself is just a way to organize which people are the most dedicated in assisting others or at least have the group space to join the core group itself. Assistants can virtually be anyone in the S & V Grade members and sometimes members from lower Grades as well. It’s called Voluntary because you’re volunteering to help these souls out in their quest to become a more well-rounded Gradastian. When a Gradastian is struggling with a specific course they will have an assistant come and aid them in their time of need and that assistant does not have to be in the actual core group itself. This is where the whole volunteering part comes in. Now how do you volunteer? Simple. You can private message a S & V Grade member that you wish to assist in the core as a volunteered assistant. You will then be asked to demonstrate the proper knowledge and abilities to teach those Gradastians. Remember, you must be very experienced to be considered for the Voluntary Assistant role as you will be looked up to as a mentor and guide for those struggling Gradastians. If an assistant is failing to do their job then they will be replaced and removed from the volunteering position. We do not tolerate assistants who refuse to do their job or lack the proper knowledge to help others. You must be self-aware of what you’re capable of so that everyone benefits from the situation.

:black_small_square:[4.0 | Additional Information]:black_small_square:

Anything further questions about the courses can be directed towards a S & V Grade member or the Venerius himself. The majority of these courses have tutorials and they are listed in the Soradyne Core Tutorial Directory that’s also featured in the group description. They are organized by courses and have a brief description as to what it will be demonstrating/teaching/showing you throughout the video. Tutorial videos can be made by anyone, not just the Venerius himself. You can create a tutorial video and submit it to the Venerius himself to see if he approves of its use in the Core. And to be perfectly clear yet again, the Soradyne Core is not a level progression academy, it is a program that focuses on building up your weaknesses so that they may become your strengths. It will only focus on what you need to work on so that you may excel past the Gradastian rank. This will help not only filter the inexperienced from the S & V Grades but also ensure every new Grade member understands all the basics of being an HR and knowing info about the group in-general. We hope this program works out for every future Gradastian and lower grade members out there. And again, any follow-up questions can be sent to a S & V Grade member or the Venerius himself.

:black_small_square:[5.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

Everyone here in the Siderian and Venerian Grade wish the future Gradastians good luck in their journeys in becoming a productive member of the Celvestian community. We hope this program reaches out to the many of you that are struggling and will help you attain abilities that you originally thought were virtually impossible. we wish for nothing but the best for our community, especially those who are trying to advance higher into our Grade structure, as you are the future generation of this community. We love every single one of you and are always here for you whenever you need the extra push and nudge towards finishing your tasks and achieving your goals. We hope you learned plenty about our core and hope to see you flourish in our community. Bless your golden hearts Celvestians. Always stay true to them.

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • AgnitedFury, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • SanityCheck, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Montrulio, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Embresk, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • WinterCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Swordloxx, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Sketchys, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Okruu, Beston of Celvestia.
  • GrandAllister, Beston of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.


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