I already tried, but it also failed for some reason. I could look into it more, but I’d rather just keep it how it is. I don’t want to waste time only to find out it doesn’t work. So yeah I’ll just leave it for now, and we’ll see what happens if anything.
Did you try it in a team create session?
also FYI I asked more details about the decision here
No. I did not. Only privately by my self with the plugin active.
@TimeFrenzied Hey if you want to implement a official Roblox filter into this plugin, feel free to do so and I’ll look into the code just to verify its safety. I’ll allow that for this instance. If you do end up doing that, please DM me the file instead of messaging it here just in case developers try to use it without me properly checking it.
Yeah reviewing the code from Collaborative notes it doesn’t filter. It honestly might’ve at once point in time I’m not sure if roblox removed filtering from studio or if it was ever implemented regardless but the way Collab notes saves messages it it’ll save the raw copy of the message then before it renders the message it’ll attempt to filter it and it looks like as a backup they have a “silly filter” in place which just takes the word and runs it through string test and if it matches one of them it’ll replace the word with the silly word so like “fuck” would be “fork” or “bench”, “shirt”, “ash”, you get the idea.
local Reps = {
fork = "[fF][uU][cC][kK]"; bench = "[bB][iI1][tT7][cC][hH]";
shirt = "[sS%$][hH][iI1][tT7]"; ash = "[aA4][sS%$][sS%$]";
local function FilterTextSilly(Text)
for Replacement,CursePattern in pairs(Reps) do
Text = string.gsub(Text,CursePattern,Replacement)
return Text
But in terms of the actual filtering text they have it in the scripts but Roblox doesn’t actually filter any text in studio. So I guess you can’t say they didn’t try?
I feel like an idiot… I faintly remember it filtering messages once upon a time but I was too lazy to check and just read the post. Maybe it’s some sort of Mandela effect.
I’m so stupid lmao. After actually looking into it more the creator explains why:
I guess that means there isn’t necessarily a rule for this, however, Roblox will not like that it circumvents parental controls (which is why team chat was removed) Around the time CN was made, I guess it wasn’t really a priority.
Super sorry for being an idiot lmao. Just remember that this plugin is still in a gray area. (which is stupid, because, for the fifth time, TEXTLABEL.) Roblox may start targeting plugins that allow communication between users much more often due to the new take on parental controls, so I’d assume both plugins are currently at high risk.
I’d impose an alternative where someway, somehow, they allow plugins to filter messages, (which is useless, forking the plugin can disable the filter, also, textlabel) however, I can’t make a feature request and the chances of admins seeing this are slim.
Technically, adding a custom filter or not won’t affect anything then, it’s probably just up to what moderation thinks.
Taking a short break! I’ve been working non-stop for a while now, so I’ll be back! I am glad you all like the plugin in the state it’s in right now, and sense it has most core features implemented, I do think it’s safe to take a short break. Thank you all for your continued support! Custom chat tabs is almost done!
Also the chat filter is being strengthened to detect even more chat filter bypasses related to letter replacements such as $, 1, 3, etc. Stay tuned!
I guess not really short anymore lol, I was spending my day having fun on Roblox. I’ll try to get the custom chat tabs out maybe this week. As far as I can tell, it is mostly working except for a few minor issues regarding message sending and all that after the reworks occurred.
Back working on it now, there’s so many problems regarding “missing assets” even though they are fully present, I’m looking to see if a cached version of the assets are still being loaded.
EDIT: Issue resolved by restarting the session.
EDIT 2: Issue came back, restarting the session doesn’t help. Still trying to resolve as of this message…
EDIT 3: Issue resolved fully this time. Continuing work smoothly with substantial progress.
Status Update
The code is almost finalized for custom tabs, just fixing a couple of bugs regarding custom tab creation issues, and then I’ll fix up the UI so it’s more usable on smaller displays. Then we’ll also add a feature where if you own the chat group, you can fully delete it. In the future, we’ll add a settings page where you can also hide chat groups, and user private chats. When this is mostly finalized, we’ll add animations to the UI to make it more appealing to others. Once again, possibly a setting you can toggle based on your personal preferences.
Sorry everyone, I’m going to leave this project for a bit. I haven’t given enough time towards other projects in the making, and I do not wish to leave those people in the dark any longer. I think it’s best I change that for now. See you all soon! Hopefully this plugin does what it needs for the base functionality.
Status Update
Sorry for the lack of updates on Team Chat: Revived, I’m still not sure when I’ll get back to it, but I do have some more plugin related projects I’m creating. Here’s a sneak peak of the latest prototype of SimpLua. A code block oriented scripting utility. This is not at all finalized, this is just UI tests before actually implementing the functionality. Stay tuned for more updates!
Back to work on Team Chat: Revived! Fixing some priority bugs. Stay updated through the primary post! The update queue will be updated when issues are fixed. And when the update is out, they will be removed because there is no point of leaving updates in the queue when they are already implemented. Don’t forget to update Team Chat: Revived whenever a new update has been posted!
Also since I don’t know much about how to drag elements out of an object bar for SimpLua, development on that has been halted until further notice. I’ll come back to it when I’m more ready!
Almost done with the Chat Tabs update! Just fixing up a couple minor issues, adding features, and we’ll be good to go! Stay tuned.
EDIT: I’m having problems with the undoes removing chats. I’m doing everything I can to resolve this.
Hey is it fine with you all if I stop trying to fix the CTRL+Z function? I’m sorry but everything I’m trying is not working, and I don’t want to disable the undo/redo for your studio clients when you try to chat causing it to wipe your undo/redo history. Unless someone can get back to me on how to fix this, I’m a little stuck. Everything else is working, except the CTRL+Z bug. I’ll continue working tomorrow when the votes are in.
- Yeah, it’s fine with me.
- No, this is a problem for me.
0 voters
Sorry, I’m not going to be able to fix this issue until someone can give me feedback on how. I am pushing a plugin update for the custom chat tabs for Team Chat: Revived soon, so stay tuned! Custom tab creation works, just need to add functionality for deleting the custom tab if you own it, and being able to edit it.
Hey again! I fixed another problem with Team Chat: Revived when you type out long messages into the textbox! The textbox resizes, causing the chats frame to get cut off. That is no longer a problem thanks to UIFlexItem. Now it shrinks when the chat input grows!
In the next update Team Chat: Revived should no longer require script injection permissions! I have converted all server scripts inside of Team Chat: Revived to be modules that are ran when the plugin starts. Hopefully the plugin shouldn’t require this permission so the plugin can start up right after you installed it instead of having to reload studio again.
You’re making progress fast. Keep up the good work.
Thanks! I appreciate your support and your use of this plugin.