Team Create Bugs. Post 'em Here!

I know this is a bit late, but Team Create seems to be corrupting my places upon enabling it.
(Not group places)

It starts by pressing the button to enable Team Create. It enters an infinite “Loading game” popup, and upon pressing Cancel it becomes corrupted. Even when activated, the place says the permissions on the level prevent you from joining, and if you press Edit you’re stuck on the Loading game popup.

Hi, @marcoantoniosantos3
could you help confirm if your game is a new game created from BasePlate? I just noticed that new games created from BasePlate, after publishing & turning on team create, it cannot be opened now.

Yes, it is.

I opened a new place and tried to publish it there to clear what was previously there (since I no longer wanted it there), and it worked until I activated team create. So yeah, baseplate.

(EDIT: I moved the game to another place, which fixed the problem. Although, I am not sure why it didn’t work in the original game)

My friend is unable to join team create. Whenever he tries opening the place, it just says “loading game…” and has a cancel button. My friend uninstalled and installed studio multiple times and restarted his computer, too. I think this is some sort of bug.

(sorry for kind-of bumping this post)

The first “broken place” (now MaD Training Center) is fixed, but the “yet another broken place” isn’t.

Studio goes into an infinite loading screen when I turned on team create for a new game.
After waiting for awhile, I closed studio and clicked the edit button to see if reopening would fix, but it still goes into the infinite loading screen.

EDIT: Works fine if it’s not created from the empty baseplate template.

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Can confirm, same thing happened with me. Empty baseplate template caused issue, but village template did not.

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This should be fixed now. Thanks for the report!


We were making a place with my team. Whenever we union something, only the one who unioned can see the union. Others need to restart the studio to see it.

I came across this while developing on Team Create with my friend. He was making a map and unioned a few blocks together and, all of a sudden, they were gone on my screen but not on his. He removed the union, then I tried unioning it and it didn’t disappear on my screen but it did disappear on his.

When unioned, for the person that unioned it it looks like so:

But then for the other people it looks like so:

PS: Upon restarting studio, it appears for everyone, but I feel it is still necessary to report this.

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When my friend and I are using team create I can’t click the parts she added, and she can’t click the parts I added. We have to look in the explorer for them.

Could you provide more info?

How did you insert these parts?
What Instance type are they? (I know you mentioned Part, but this could still refer to several different types: Part, MeshPart, PartOperation,etc…)
If you leave and come back does the issue persist?

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We inserted them by going to the “Model” tab and pressing the Part button.
The parts were normal cylinders, accessed by pressing the dropdown and selecting Cylinder, and my friend had only inserted 1 and then duplicated the rest. I did the same. We rotated them, and resized them with the Scale and Rotate in the “Model” tab, and we still couldn’t click eachother’s parts, but it was just the ones that we had inserted that day. We had access to them from the explorer, however, so if we clicked it there, we could rotate the part and resize it and do everything normally, unless we clicked away from it and then we had to find it in the explorer again.

The next day when we joined studio we didn’t have this issue, everything was back to normal and we had no problem clicking on any parts.

During the time of it I had thought that maybe one of us locked the parts, so I unlocked everything, re-locked the baseplate, but we still couldn’t click eachother’s parts.

Often, Studio will randomly crash when working in team create. Most notably, it happens to me when I use play solo. However, other developers in the team create have crashed after a bit of time when just doing work such as building or user interface design. When someone crashes, it does not cause anyone else in the team create to crash.

I’m having problems with some blank places that I enabled Team Create and now I can’t acess them, edit or even join it!

I can’t get into it through Studio btw
I already tried to wait even half a hour, but nothing happens.

That same thing happened some time ago with other places made by me. I even created a topic about it, but no one was able to tell me why that happens.

Thank you for your attention.

I also cannot access newly made team create places.

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Can your newly team create game be opened now? If your game is created from some template like BasePlate, it looks that the template was moderated again somehow.
I just tried my local Studio, which seems to be ok now. If still failing with you, please let us know:-)

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Happened again. :frowning:

Hey there, I can’t seem to add anyone to Teamcreate anymore, another friend of mine can, but I can’t. I’ve done the following in attempt to solve it:
Resetted studio,
Restarted studio,
Uninstall/Reinstalled studio,
Restarted my PC
Logged in and Out of my account,

Here is the problem:

Please turn off the Game Access Permissions Beta Feature in order to re-enable this behavior. Otherwise, use Permissions in Game Settings to add collaborators.