Team Create Bugs. Post 'em Here!

Thanks! The change has been turned off and we will make sure to figure out why this is happening before turning it back on.

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Hey there!

I’m not sure if this is the place to be posting this but I figured this was the closest I could get to for it.

I’ve been developing with someone on a game for some time now through Team-Create and recently we came across a problem that has put development on hold.

The problem:
The problem is it won’t let him inside the team create even though the option is on. He keeps getting this error.

Error message


The weirder thing is that he can still acess other Team creates other than the one we want to work on.

We have tried

  • Restarting both the computer and router

  • Disabling plugins

  • Reinstalling studio all together

At this point im stummpped on what it could be so any help or ideas of what to do would help.


Edit: Turns out it was coincidental timing after all, didn’t realize the change was enabled so quickly, collapsing my post.

View Collapsed Post

For all I know, this could be pure coincidental timing, so unless this was due to a sudden change, I found out that I could fix the issue by:

  • Create new game
  • Enable Team Create
  • Add at least one Collaborator (greyed out, can’t change role)
  • Save changes, leave the game
  • Rejoin the game, remove and re-add Collaborators
  • Leave and rejoin again
  • Now the issue is suddenly fixed in every single one of my places, without having to remove and re-add Collaborators everywhere else, no extra steps or repetition required

The step that I was missing was that I had to leave the game before removing and re-adding Collaborators, or else it wouldn’t work. I had to have added at least one Collaborator before leaving and rejoining the game.

Enabling Team Create and then leaving/rejoining and adding Collaborators after the fact doesn’t trigger this sudden fix. I had to do it in this order or else permissions were still greyed out.

This was really difficult to explain because it was a very strange fix, so let me know if I need to rephrase something here.

Edit: Missed a step, had to leave and rejoin again immediately after removing and re-adding Collaborators.

Edit #2: Though now that I think about it, I have attempted to add a collaborator about a week ago, gave up in frustration and left the game, then came back to it a few days later and tried again (after removing>re-adding them) and the issue still persisted, so I’m unsure whether what I did here is actually what solved the problem.

The reason it is fixed now is because we turned the offending change off around the time of my last reply.


I’ve also been having this issue at alarming rates when opening a large team create place.
If the place does load it usually gives the same error after attempting to autosave.
Script changes also will not save when this error has been encountered, at least in my case.

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I too had that problem in one of my places not long ago, I made another place and transferred everything there to avoid it.

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The autosaves in my tc also don’t work even when everything is enabled. So I have to manually download a copy.

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Yes, he is a friend, @DreamingMind.

Hi, to make it easier to diagnose Team Create bugs, we are closing this thread in favor of creating individual bug reports for any issues you may encounter going forwards. This will eliminate cross-talk between separate bugs and allow us to fix anything that crops up faster.

You can file a bug report for Team Create by clicking the New Topic button and setting the category to Studio Bugs. Any ongoing issues that have not been resolved should be filed as new bug reports. Make sure to read over How to post a Bug Report for more information :slight_smile: