Teleporting me and other players to random game

Hello, I am sheikh_tamil.

I’ve been trying to join my ROBLOX game but it keeps teleporting me into games like “boys and girls hangout”. I’d like to know how I can fix this issue so it stops teleporting me and other players into this random game.

I’ve tried searching for suspicous scripts, but I can’t seem to find any so far.


There is another thread about this. Please take a look in there for solutions.


Yes but… the only free models in game are trees and palm trees, I’ve checked the creators and they don’t seem suspicious.

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And? Whether they seem suspicious or not doesn’t matter. You inserted freemodels, you deal with the consequences.

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Not that helpful… I was asking for a solution, not to have somebody telling me to stop using the model.


But the solution is to stop using the model. The model contains the virus, and needs to be removed and not used again.

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I’ve deleted the model, and there is still a virus.

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Search your game for scripts, and delete any that you didn’t make yourself.

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I recommend removing all the models and if it still happens, Look thru your explorer, if you find any scripts, delete them. Especially look throught these


Why are you posting this here? This script is fine mate.

The issue may be a malicious script from a free model, or a malicious plugin inserting those scripts. You can use a plugin like RoDefender or other TRUSTED anti-virus programs to help get rid of it, or you can just track down the script by just looking everywhere and anywhere a script or local script can run

For plugins, you’ll have to disable each plugin and find the malicious scripts, but each time you disable the plugin, you’ll delete the scripts, publish and restart studio. Then you re-open studio and if the scripts are still there, continue disabling the plugins until you find the plugin causing it, or until you have no more (in that case, it’s not plugins causing it and likely free models)

There has been countless topics made about this, so I implore you to look at other posts for any other solutions that have been used

I don’t agree with that – not all free models are made with malicious intent. Free models are a good way for new developers to learn coding, building and etc., it’s that they just have to be wary of viruses and search the free model for any suspicious instances / items and/or scripts


Alright… just wanted to see if it was a bad script.

I would recommend getting Venom and pressing the Panic button, which will search all scripts in your place. It searches for if scripts are using TeleportService or other suspicious ways of bypassing being detected, so it should catch and highlight the one that’s giving you trouble.

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I know the issue, it happened with my homestore before. You used a free model, so what I did was search in the workspace for “Weld” and delete all the things that say weld (Especially weld scripts). Save, and you should be good to go.

Searching for suspicious things is good, however some things in your scripts may not seem suspicious. If the game is teleporting users to another game, you should be looking out for keywords such as TeleportService and :Teleport() . I recommend you thoroughly check your scripts as it’s likely you have inserted a model with a script containing this.

Although this may have worked for a different issue, welds have nothing to with teleporting players to another game. If this was happening in your game and was fixed by deleting all the welds, one or more of the welds you deleted would have contained a script telling it to teleport players elsewhere.

Download Ro-Defender or some other virus deleter if you use free models. Thats what i do

They don’t seem to get rid of it though.

Try doing CTRL + SHIFT + F and searching for "TeleportService" and ":Teleport()". This will search ALL the scripts in the game for these lines of code.

If you find scripts that have those lines of code, delete them