As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to teleport Players between places without having the player look at a loading screen.
If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because Players will be able to teleport between places more fluidly.
Imagine a world where you could do something like
local TS = game:GetService('TeleportService')
and the data that’s normally downloaded when you join a place gets pre-loaded in the background.
Almost like having the Player object be in two games at once, or maybe it’s instantly created really fast.
Nothing is actually rendered on screen for the preloading place until the player teleports.
Then, when you’re ready to teleport the player, you teleport them like normal. Maybe something like
TS:Teleport(4419893655, Player)
and instead of a loading screen, it just instantly pops them into the other world.
I don’t know how viable this would be in terms of computational resources