I’m trying to make a game where you can create places but CreatePlaceAsync results in an error
The issue is I keep getting the same TemplatePlaceCannotBeCopied error.
Enabling create and save settings in the Configure Place page
return function(owner, name, desc)
local worldcount = #(worldDS.owned:GetAsync(owner.UserId) or {})
local newworld
local suc, res = pcall(function()
newworld = assetservice:CreatePlaceAsync('World', 6340605856, 'A new world')
if not suc then
worldDS.owned:UpdateAsync(owner.UserId, function(old)
old = old or {}
table.insert(old, newworld)
return old
worldDS.full:SetAsync(newworld, {
id = newworld,
owner = owner,
name = name or string.format("%s's Place No. %i", owner.Name, worldcount + 1),
description = desc or 'e',
thumbnail = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/GuiImagePlaceholder.png',
active_players = 0,
max_players = 12
return newworld
Are you just trying to make the place, or trying to teleport to it as well? I don’t understand your goal, if you’re just trying to create places or utilize them somehow. EDIT: Are you testing this in studio? That could be your problem, try to test it in game.
Yeah I’m not entirely sure what your issue is then, I don’t have a lot of experience with this specific question. I’ll link the dev fourm posts I found about it, which I’m sure you’ve already seen, but on the off chance you haven’t thats probably all I can do to help right now.