Temporary Decentralized Moderation

There are a bunch of trolls on the forum that degrade the experience of the DevForum

Many solutions have been proposed such as

These solutions are good but lack one problem; the trolls can make infinite accounts.

Current setup

Currently when a topic or post is flagged it is simply hidden, but with one button you can unhide it, moderators may only see the post 20 minutes later.

The trolls thrive off of attention, so even though when the mods come around the topic gets deleted, the damage is already done. It likely has many replies, it sparks new topics about how we have to moderate these topics better.

My proposal

If a topic gets any arbitrary number let’s say 5 flags, it will get hidden. Not hidden as in you can press one button and unhide it. Hidden as in the title and body won’t be visible until a mod comes around and sees it. (you could even expand and make it that no one can reply)

The reason it has to be multiple flags is because otherwise trolls will abuse this mechanic and hide perfectly fine topics, disrupting the forum even more.

5 seems like a reasonable enough number that if there are 5 flags there is likely something wrong with the post. (you could expand and make it 5 flags from “trusted” members, maybe members with 100 likes on posts. So that someone can’t just make 5 accounts and flag posts)

This would also have to allow for posts to be flagged once they are already flagged (which I don’t think you can do now)

Hopefully Roblox Staff or Developer Relations can see this and take it into consideration.

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The target audience topic would also help to tackle that issue. Both name verification and proactively stopping these users joining would help stop this.


yes i agree, and words related to sexual activity should be banned

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perhaps if you dont allow people to make accounts this wont be a problem maybe ban accounts with same emails

This measure is already in place.

People can make infinite emails. People can get around IP bans with VPNS. The only answer I can think of is having a decentralized way of (at least temporarily) closing peoples topics or even not allowing them to create new topics if they got a certain amount of flags within a certain amount of time.

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then why isnt this feature??? its a really good idea

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This is already a feature.

When a topic is community flagged, it’s unlisted automatically.

But it’s not hidden, there’s a button that says “view hidden content” and clearly has not proven to work.

It appears you’ve misunderstood my reply. It’s unlisted, not that. It means that you need a link to view the thread.

If you want replies to be hidden better, be clear with that.

I did not misunderstand your reply, I know what unlisted means. I also said it’s clearly proven to not work because topics that are flagged still get a lot of attention.

p.s. I don’t even think that’s true, all the time I click on topics that appear in new and it says “topic flagged and temporarily hidden, click to view hidden content”

I don’t think this actually happens; if this is intended behaviour then we should file a bug report. I frequently read topics where the original reply has been flagged for multiple days and still appear under the category view and are actively replied to.

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CC: @elonrocket

Yes, this does occur. I have seen this occur repeatedly even recently, it may be that it’s not 100% of the time but does occur.

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doesn’t happen for me, when I saw the topic from BaseName I clicked on it and it was already flagged.

and it also doesn’t happen to @unix_system

This is pretty much the same feature request I did on December:

So you should probably support existing similar topics instead of creating new ones.

@railworks2 I did not get any reponse from staff on the topic I linked above about it being implemented, and I haven’t seen this happening.

  1. I didn’t see that topic
  2. It’s similar but not the same as I proposed