Temporary Process For Archiving Avatar Items

I have one question, there is a limit of characters I can write on the support page and that limits the amount of links I can send them. Unfortunately I can only send 10-15 links and the list of assets I’d like to archive is quite long. They mentioned we are not supposed to send multiple requests to take down the same item but is it fine to send multiple requests to take down diferent items?


you can always send a follow-up email to the support team with the remaining links and hope they see it.


It takes weeks for them to reply, and when they do reply its the same canned reply anyway.

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What does this have to do with sending more URLs inside of reply to the original email?

This quote shows that it shouldn’t matter if they reply to these requests.

Also, this states the same item. So there should be nothing wrong with submitting another ticket with more URLs.

I meant in general as far as DMCA issues go, not for this specific occurrence with the asset requests. Even though its under that thread, so my previous post was a bit misleading

I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks and my asset still hasn’t been deleted.


Tomorrow marks one full month since I sent an archive request through the new system.

As of now nothing has happened. 30 days should be the maximum wait time. If nothing continues to happen I think we can conclude that there is something is definitely wrong with this new system, just shifting the problems with the Copyright_Agent email to Roblox support.


A’ight. I’m gonna say it;

The new system doesn’t work.
What gives, Roblox? What’s going on?


I submitted an ‘Assets Removal Request’ and they only replied with that automated message

It’s been almost three weeks and I haven’t received a reply saying that they’re working on removing the assets. I submitted another ticket just now.

Also, @MileHighMainEvent, why don’t you go to the Roblox Support on your main account and request assets removal? This way is a lot better than contacting copyright_agent@roblox.com. Why? Because a random Roblox player contacted copyright agent and requested an asset removal in 2021, and he got his asset deleted in 2024. Yea, that’s literally what happened. It took them three years.

Contact Roblox Support on your main and tell them to delete your assets.


Yeah I’ve been doing that on my main, accessing the support forum on my main is the ONLY feature they let me do, and its been like pulling teeth because i’m never really talking to a person


Several people have already asked, but is Asset Archive Request the same as Asset Removal Request? It is not mentioned anywhere and no replies to others who have asked the same thing.

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Yes, it is. idk why the announcement is using different terminology. This should tell them to be consistent, because if there is one thing that needs consistency its asset archival requests.

i see this no longer works i hope you bring this back while we wait for the offical relase of it in 2024

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It has been 1 month since this ‘feature’ has been announced. Anybody got their items successfully archived? So far no luck for me :confused:

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Nope. Nothing is happening. idk what’s going on. Roblox is not communicating anything.

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I have no idea how to react to this message.
They can’t even verify I am even the uploader of the content I want removed?
That being said, in the time I have sent the previous request and now I have changed my username so I wonder if that had interfered in the process?

This is a great step in the right direction, cant wait to see for the planned self-service archival option. Some of the issues that i have experienced with this update are.

  1. The Description of issue, has a character limit. I am only able to past 19 URL’s into one submission.
  2. Reviewing all the items under a group. There is no way to see if you or a designer are the one to have uploaded that asset.
  3. In my situation i have a lot of assets to be removed. So its incredibly frustrating having to do a list in very small parts.

As i said this is a big step in the right direction for the designer community as a whole. So well done ROBLOX!

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Still waiting…

Is this new process ever going to work?

If anyone’s curious as to how long this takes:

I submitted an archive request through the support form on 6/18/2024. Today, 9/17/2024, approximately 3 months after I submitted the archive form, I got this copy-and-pasted response:


The items still have yet to be archived.


I have gotten this message. I’m not sure if its because I’ve lost track to which account I may have uploaded the asset in question or if changing my username after sending an archive request prompted this response.
In any case, I still have to wait between 1-3 months to get a response to that.