Temporary Process For Archiving Avatar Items

I sent it to the second email and they don’t recognize it or even want to acknowledge it.


That’s another thing.

Nobody said anything about copyright_agent or ipcontent_removal emails.
Based on what information we have, we can just assume at this point those emails are no longer operable.

I did receive a confirmation and a ticket number with the new support feature, they have yet to act on it and there’s no immediate way of knowing since they won’t be sending a confirmation that its complete.

That’ll be SO so low of Roblox to just skip past all the people that got terminated at the hands of THEIR broken moderation system and poor DMCA agents, and then add this feature acting as they’re finally listening to their community when it’s been almost 3 to 4 years too late for many people.

To not even put out a statement on this is just…Wrong.


It would be MUCH better if Roblox simply DIDN’T DELETE the account of anyone who created something that have copyright, but just gave warnings. The idea of ​​banning someone’s account just because they create a virtual item that has some type of copyright is very stupid…


The strike system should if anything limit what you’re able to do on the website, maybe being unable to create certain items for an extended period of time, fine, fair

but to completely TERMINATE a user for something like this, something that isnt harming any other users or harassing them either, just an infraction of intellectual property which albeit is a big deal, definitely not intentional. Some people took the phrase “You can build ANYTHING” to heart, me especially, and went buck wild with creating different things with no worry of breaking any laws since, well, we didnt think we were breaking any.

So for this to be a rising problem as Roblox decided to incorperate sponsorships that want to PROFIT off the platform via having their own game, and having OG users get punished for it, just feels wrong. Its ironic that Roblox did a “Classic” event but seems to of done everything to pretend it never happened the more the website progresses.

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What about me? i was terminated because a guy that i don’t know massively reported all of my classic shirt and pants i made in 2022 and that caused me to get a temporary ban but he did it non stoppable and i got terminated off roblox and when i uploaded the items they didn’t get a warning or a ban in 2022 when i uploaded them. but in 2024 some guy hater abusively spam reported me and got me banned? how do we get help from this


When did you get a reply? i sent mine two days ago and didn’t get a reply yet

At first it took 3 days for Copyright_Agent@roblox.com to respond when the email was operable.

wait do i have to send the item i want to be deleted to that email or contact them from roblox support by linking and doing the asset content removal request?

i sent my content to be removed to roblox but they haven’t replied back to me yet its been two days will i get a reply or do i have to contact them through the email u gave me?

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It’s stupid for your account to be banned because you uploaded a shirt with “Adidas” or even “Roblox” written on it. Yes, this is copyright law, but all of this is very, very stupid, it was supposed to be practically free advertising for brands. And one more thing, when someone uploads any image, that image is pending for moderation, and when it comes out of this moderation, there weren’t supposed to be as many mistakes as there are, the principle of moderation of these images was to prohibit images with copyright or even from clothes that already exist in the catalog.

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Ok, this is the new system you’re using.

They’re not going to reply.

I don’t know when they’ll process your request. You’re now in the same boat as everyone else at this point.

My only real hope is that the admin that posted this sees the dilemma that me and many others are faced with and makes it right by atleast saying some sort of clarification on it.


It could happen, but you can be sure that the “bosses” won’t let it happen :wink:

Thank you for making a “solution” albeit too late and still not suitable at least it’s something in the right direction.
Just unsure why there is a character limit when I assume you want us to input all the links/asset ids of what we want to be archived. If I want to submit all my assets I want to be archived it would take 3 or more requests.
Also I am not sure what to do if I have submitted an email to copyright_agent where they mention that either the request has been received or that it has been “forwarded to a specialist who will assist you further” but neither of which have lead to anything being taken down or any follow up emails. Should I just assume this service no longer works and go through the new process to submit an archive request or just wait it out and hope I don’t get banned for something I already submitted to be archived?


They didn’t archive anything until April, many months after I made the request.


the only good roblox update of 2024

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That was the old system under the Copyright Agent email. That email is done, it is no longer working.

I don’t know about the new system if they have the same guarantee, but based on the reply you received there isn’t any specification on terminated accounts.

Ok, it’s now been a full week since this the post about this archive update was made.
Has anyone so far had any luck having any content archived?
I sent mine a two weeks before this post was made when the update was already available, but for some reason they waited until June 5 to post about it.

Nobody has said any expected timeframe when tickets would be executed, under the old system it was expected to be 30 days that turned out to be a lie and for many people it dragged on for months to years.

I don’t want to sound impatient, but…
Just as a proof of concept, can we even be certain that this new system even works?


It doesnt help that they also said to reply here with questions, and many questions have been asked

and not one question has actually be answered or acknowledged, so…