Terrain edit tools behave as if they always have plane lock set to ON

Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced:
Date Last Experienced:

Reproduction Steps:
To get this bug, just use the terrain tools under the “Edit” page, tools like Paint, Grow, and Erode are all affected by this. This only happens while the tools are activated/in use by holding down the mouse button and dragging.

Expected Behavior:
When plane lock is set to OFF we expect the terrain tools to behave as they’ve historically always done, meaning they will follow the terrain while you hold down the mouse button to activate the tools.

Actual Behavior:


Here we see what happens when you drag the tools now, we expect it to follow the terrains curve, but instead it goes right out into the air as if plane lock is on, as you can see in my terrain settings to the left, plane lock is set to OFF.



I’ve also confirmed this. It seems to do this with the smooth tool, paint tool, and the replace tool in brush mode. This also seems to do the same with the add/subtract tool with plane lock off.


I have this same issue, but I don’t even have the beta feature set to on in the first place. (Edit, someone suggested the new collision pipeline beta feature was the cause)


I too have the same issue. It appears to be affecting all brush related terrain tools.

1 Like

Same issue, it’s annoying, I can’t work right.


Been having the exact same issue with most if not all of the terrain tools, aside from the paint tool.


@MisterRedTurtle This is a bug that stops the progression of workflow. Can you see what you can do about it, please?


For anyone who’s still having this issue, I wrote an insanely hacky AutoHotkey script to get around this issue for now, it essentially clicks and releases your mouse every few seconds while holding down left mouse button.

I would upload it, but unfortunately .ahk uploads are disallowed. In order to use it, you’ll need AHK installed.

; Put this in a .ahk file, and double click
; To close this, right click the AHK icon on the right of your taskbar, and exit.
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#If WinActive("Roblox Studio")
    While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
        Click, Down
        Sleep 50
        Click, Up

I’m having the same exact issue… i’m currently working on terrain and environment commissions and i literally can’t do my work because of this bug.


This bug is extremely, extremely annoying and makes editing terrain impossible and slow. Instead of holding down RMB I have to click many times and it tires my wrist. It is imperative this bug get fixed, I’ve noticed it for several days now but couldn’t quite capture it as succinctly as this bug report does. Please investigate this quickly!


I started experiencing this issue a few days ago and it’s definitely has impacted my productivity. Without having any work arounds, making large-scale maps out of terrain has become a painstaking process.

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Thanks for reporting this! I’ll go file a ticket and we’ll work to fix this ASAP.


To clarify what may be happening: we’re reworking the brush tool to make the brush work with surface normals, not camera projection, which leads to funky sculpting. However, in some situations that can be similar to plane lock b/c of how simple surfaces and the plane is oriented. We want to make the plane editable/orientable and improve the basic behavior. We’ll take a look to tweak this so that it doesn’t impact your workflows! Thanks for the patience everyone.


Just to emphasize…


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