Terrain Generator - the best terrain generation plugin on Roblox

Do you want amazing terrain generation but you don’t know how to code it? Well, look no further! Introducing, the Terrain Generation plugin! Create amazing looking randomly generated terrain! This plugin will automatically make you a script that has everything you need in order to make some terrain. You can also generate some terrain manually. You will also be able to change length, size, amplitude, etc.

Here is the link for it:

Note that I made this plugin in under a day and it’s not great. I’ll try to update it and fix bugs occasionally!


How the plugin works: GitHub - MrDragonYT/terrain-generator-roblox: Source code for the Terrain Generator plugin!

(Another thing I want to mention is that the plugin is on my main account. I like to have a different account for the DevForums.)


This sounds like a very neat plugin, but you should add a few visual examples of your plugin for developers to look at.


I must say the performance is on point! I was able to generate a 500x500 1 block size piece of terrain in 53 seconds. Good job considering you only made this in under a day!


Here are some examples of what the plugin can do. It’s not very impressive since I made it in only one day:


Considering you made it one day, I’d say that’s impressive.

Given that I’m a scripter though, I might not install your plugin, but it may be useful to a few builders I know.


Studio already has a built-in terrain generator that covers these use cases and I’m quite sure it also supports heightmap importing. What’s the difference in this one? Assuming from the images above it’s using parts to create terrain instead of voxels but I’m not sure if that’s the full extent of your plugin.


The only difference between the studio terrain generator and my plugin is that my plugin makes terrain using Parts. As I mentioned above, I only made the plugin in under one day, so it’s not very advanced.

Update Log:

  • Added a Clear button. Clear all your terrain with just a click of a button! No lag caused.
  • Made some changes to the widget.

Update Log:

  • Added a button for a random seed.
  • You can set your own seed as well.

(Please let me know if there are any bugs! :smile:)

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Title: “The best terrain generation tool”


It seems good for a learning resource, but it isn’t equivalent to the built-in terrain generation tool.

I should probably change it to “plugin” instead of tool… :thinking:

Haha alright, it might come useful to some if you shared information about the source code for newer developers, I can imagine that people are looking for programmatically generating terrain.

I haven’t really used GitHub before, I could probably use that to upload the source code.

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I suggest you change the title from “the best terrain generation plugin” as this is a very simple plugin. Literally the only thing it uses is 2 loops, one for x axis and for y axis, and then generates perlin noise for those areas. Bruh.

The plugin makes terrain generation simpler for users as they can create scripts they are allowed to use for their game with customizable settings. I called it “the best terrain generation plugin” since players can do this for their games.

just call it a terrain generation plugin for Roblox, as it’s definitely not the best.

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it’s for promotion man…


This is exactly what I needed for like so many games!!! Thanks so much!!!

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No worries! :smile:

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