Terrain Water should have directional flow again

As a developer on this platform, I feel that further features of terrain water will offer the ability to broaden creative uses of water.

Currently, the platform sees uses of water in ocean, river, and ponds/lakes. In the older (2012 and earlier) rendition of terrain water, we saw the feature Force X and Y.

With the way the development side of Roblox has been going, I would hope to see Force X and Y be reimplemented. As a bonus, the water could have fluid dynamics, where near a cliff and the proper directional force is applied a waterfall would be created.

This could open the the door for more creative puzzles using hydraulics to solve them, industrial scenes of a river that is dammed or a nature scene of an elegant waterfall at a national park set in the late evening. Also, if the Sea Level feature could be accessed through an API, we could use it to simulate rising and lowering of a water level for rain events.


I agree, this would add a breadth of new possibilities for developers and players alike. It could also serve as a moderate educational tool that developers could integrate into, existing, high traffic games.


I also want to add onto this that it would be cool to have directional flow and water color to be zoned or sectioned in a way where we can make rivers/streams flow down into a still lake. And instead of all the water in the game sharing the same color, we could form lakes and pools and streams of different colored water. This would make having a blue ocean water on one side of a map, and a mossy green swamp water on the other side, to be possible. Also this would open up the possibility to have rainbow water for those who choose to be very fancy with their water colors :smile:


Agreed, I am making a showcase that includes a river and I’d really like for the water to flow away from the waterfall instead of towards it. I would greatly improve the realism of my builds.


I’d like to see an expansion to water like UE4’s water plugin:

Unreal Engine 4.26 Water