The way I think of “home pages”, is a place where you have quick access to the things you are familiar with and the things you enjoy. It needs to be personal. Things like friends, continue, and favourites work because they fit that criteria. Same goes for the “Recommended for you” section.
Adding things that are constant for every user, like Today’s picks, and now this banner, take away from that usefulness the homepage is meant for. The more and more you add to the homepage, the more cluttered it becomes. At some point it’s gonna become a glorified Charts page I worry.
I beg that you guys bring the banner down below the actual “home” sections like continue, preferably right before the infinite scroll of recommended games.
how will the displayed game be picked? is it through an application or random and will it be the same for all users?
also isn’t this the same as today’s pick but just 1 big thing instead of 4 different ones? what’s the point of having this when you can just display the games and events on today’s picks.
I also think this shouldn’t be at the top of the home page. Maybe put in the charts page or somewhere else where it’s shown to people who are actively looking for new games instead of it being in their way on the home page.
A bit unrelated to the topic, however it was brought up and is similar, but for me and only on my main account (this account) the today’s picks section doesn’t even show up on the home page, is it still rolling out or is this a bug?
Thanks for your feedback! We’re gradually rolling out this change, so availability may vary across users. Browser support for “Recently Visited” in the Search Landing Page is coming soon as well.
I don’t think this is a good idea but I could be wrong. There are so many experiences having events all the time and this will give only one of them kind of a unfair advantage, especially since I know you guys will only use it to promote really big experiences that already have plenty of promo. But maybe it will be a good idea. Honestly I would rather this only be used for official Roblox events for that reason
So your advertising a feature that is not out yet… even if this was out for me I would still want a more organized home pages with recently played and favorites at the top.
I am not a fan of making me dig through countless of sections before I finally find the “Continue” section. I want the games that I play to be on top, not somewhere else. For anyone not using extensions, I recommend bookmarking this page.
I think they locked me out of my account.
Whenever I try to log in, they give me 10 impossible captchas, I complete the 10, and they say it’s wrong.
I literally can’t access my account.
I just realized, this does not show your favorite games. So this only fixes half of the problem. Favorite section is still at bottom of minutes of scroll even if this were to be out for me.
I mean, I get stopping bots but 10 captchas? All of which are bizzare, weird animals that I have to turn in one of 12? Directions.
It’s quite annoying.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if personalized discovery even has a 1% chance of putting the “sponsored” section at the top, that’s just a monetization device for Roblox. They really don’t care about you.
If I wanna see sponsored games, I’ll look for them. I don’t mind them being at the very bottom.