Favorites are at the bottom for everyone using the website. (I believe)
im here to play fun games with my friends, not feed roblox’s insatiable hunger for money
(yes i know roblox is in debt)
I haven’t enjoyed a SINGLE game listed on Today’s Picks except for the already popular ones that I already knew about.
I wonder if we’re just a vocal minority. By “we” I mean the devforum community that replies to discovery-related threads. I think the question would be what players (non-developers) prefer more: new content or known content.
To answer that, we need to find where the casual players are. They’re not on the DevForum. Some are on social media, but I’d assume not most. So, on that, how is Roblox gauging community interest when it comes to Discovery? Internal analytics? Those could be wrong, skewed, or ignored in the face of what Roblox themselves want to do. I feel as though that is what our voices amount to here: evidence against the vision Roblox is pushing.
Directing my reply toward the OP, my frustration with this is that work could’ve gone elsewhere internally. There have been various features on the Creator Roadmap for Search & Discovery put on hold or pushed back. Why were efforts not directed there?
Are the Roblox Discovery Product and Curation Teams, not the ones who’d work on Dynamic Filters, Combined Search and Discovery, and other features like the Featured Sort that got cancelled? What about Free Private Servers? This page has been gutted: Nominate for the Discover page | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. I genuinely question the focus of the team.
Now, I know the solution to many problems is not just throwing more engineers in and hoping that fixes things. I obviously don’t work at Roblox. I’m just expressing my valid critique of Roblox focusing on not most users.
Why are there 2 “Recommended for you”? Why not just make it into one section. (Probably so they get me to click.)
Makes it very messy and lots to scroll by.
Why tf even bother announcing ts if you don’t care about FEEDBACK?
The guise of listening to community feedback and a pleasantry even if not acted on. Why that is? Maybe quell or suppress a larger issue. Maybe internal requirements of posting updates, but not a requirement to actually change product based on community sentiment.
If that is the case, why even have the update threads open if they only provide minimal, mostly unspecific replies or reword the announcement slightly?
Again accumulating the power in the hands of fewer and fewer games by giving the top games of your choice even more real estate on the home page, thus less to all the rest of us
I’m convinced all these features are a plot to nerf the already nerfed ads, and to just hide low-player games from everyone while not really improving discoverability
If they want me to think differently, then they should start promoting games with less than a million visits (it’s fair to assume that all games with less than a million visits are not very well known now, isn’t it?)
Yes!!! Drive the “Recommended For You” section even further down for us developers!
Sounds like something we can gague ourself by asking content creators or news accounts to make a poll. Question is, who would be up for the task…
Chances are; they aren’t. These new discovery features tend to promote sponsored/branded content,
e.g. today’s picks promoting beast games (that was no coincidence)
e.g. personalized discovery moving the sponsored tab to the top on multiple occasions
This seems like it’ll be used to do the same thing but for roblox events, brand deals and stuff.
This sounds like a major reason why they would ignore feedback on the matter; they want players to see sponsored content first instead of joining the same game they’re used to.
bloxy news obviously with basically 100k “x” followers
also, i got this on the desktop website until i refreshed:
They’re at the bottom for me too. It’s crazy. Also i wont ask, jus silently judge
You made sponsored ads way more expensive than before (I don’t mind, but I feel sorry for a lot of devs that do)
and then you are gonna add a tab to promote large games, putting the sponsoring section down a little… making it harder for new games to gain a lot of impressions… is this really the way to go for small devs? Please rethink this…
From the looks of it, they are promoting an event from months ago.
I’ve defended Roblox about nearly every change to the platform in the past 3 years, but this is just plain bad.
Omg where is the recent games
Scroll to the middle of the world to find it.
loving all these content discovery changes, please recommend me more scam games while you’re at it
Oh boy.
Let’s hope the feedback gets taken into account soon or this may be the first time I use the mighty element zapper