Platform Text Chat is coming to Experiences

They’ve announced that Roblox console chat will be added to Roblox by 2025

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Okay, so I’ve got it ingame and it seems to actually be something inside the hamburger menu instead of being forced next to the chat. It basically works as if it were integrated in the Esc menu in games where the mouse is locked; it’s actually not that bad.

I still think the ingame chat icon is a little weird though, but I’m glad they seem to have listened.


I think I got the update because it replaced the chat logo for the old UI, which is sad but whatever


Seems to be different per account (which makes sense, since its a test)

Here is how mine looks like on every device:

Not a fan, since I never use website chat anyway, so its just taking up space.


You still have the beta voicechat tag. Is this an Fflag?

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We went from Roblox Connect being an annual creator event to Roblox Connect being an experience where you can call a friend to Roblox Connect being… this.


Nope. I did not change any FFlags for this

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yes, the box with a play button in it is a bit too famous to be used for something ‘else’



Oh this is weird, whys it just like chat?? This isn’t useful at all, compared to just having a party chat. Considering that was like the main point of having this added?

Edit: This would actually be useful for under 13 players, but it entirely covers up the game. So it’d be nice if it was instead like something that is the size of the in-game chat window.

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Privacy concern: The “Connect” window is included in screenshots taken from CaptureService:CaptureScreenshot().

Once EditableImage fully releases, you could theoretically save the screenshot’s pixel data and spy on users’ private conversations if they happen to have the “Connect” window open.


Wonder if that could even cause a copyright violation? Probably not though.

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The concept is good, but I’d like to offer a different way to use the feature. What if we had Platform Text Chat in the escape menu? If you want to pause to see your friend’s message that would be the perfect place.


Interesting idea, but I don’t see this being of any use to the average Roblox user. I have been on this platform for over ten years and have almost never used the website chat functionality as a means of communication with my friends simply because there are much better alternatives. A feature like this would be much more powerful if it were able to integrate iMessages, Discord Channels, Guilded Channels, or really anything other than the overmoderated and unoptimized roblox website chat.

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GuiService.MenuIsOpen should turn true when the “Connect” window is open. There’s currently no way to determine if this window is open or not, which is important to know since you might want to modify/hide your custom UI if the user has a Roblox menu open.

Note that this property (along with its related events) isn’t just used for the Roblox esc menu, but usually for any fullscreen CoreGui menu. For example, it turns true when the Avatar Inspect Menu is open.


… sigh, the tradition continues I guess. I want it but it’s locked behind an AB test, really wish those would be removed in favor of opt-in testing for people who want it because my luck is really unfortunate when it comes to AB testing.


same… i need this.
It would be better if devfourm users would get these features under ab testing.


In my honest opinion, keeping a familiar experience chat icon that everyone got used to and know it’s functionality and just introducing a new icon for platform chat is actually less confusing for users to distinguish between the two forms of chat. The new experience and platform chat icons look similar to each other and would introduce more confusion. The platform chat icon looks more like a video recording button than a platform chat icon, but that’s just my opinion. But I think it would work using it or the new experience chat icon as an icon for platform chat and just keeping the current experience chat icon as it is for it’s functionality. I would prefer the platform chat icon to be in the hamburger menu while the experience chat icon to stay pinned in the top bar with its current icon.

I still haven’t been rolled into the AB test, and I still couldn’t figure out the FFlags to enable it, nor did I found anyone who does, does anyone here knows them? :money_mouth_face:


If I may provide some feedback, I would strongly prefer party/platform chat to exist in the tilt menu. The tilt menu, to me, provides a stronger correlation back to the platform as a whole. It would also make the functionality feel a bit more like party chat on consoles, where it has its own dedicated focus separate from what you’re playing. You’re also not typically going to be ducking back into party/platform chats with any sort of frequency, especially in the case of parties where most if not all players involved will be in the same experience to begin with.


Honestly just seems like more useless clutter
Is anyone really trying to communicate with people playing other games while they are playing a game? And if they are i think most people would use somewhere else they know their friends better
The message service that this (replaces?) and the website chat system are things i honestly don’t think i have ever properly used in the 9 years I’ve been playing this game, and i have never really seen anything more than a few other people using it
Please at least let developers disable this in experiences so there is less space taken up at the top of screens by unnecessary things


Okay, but why do we need this?