[Test] Platform Text Chat is coming to Experiences

It would be nice if I could opt out of having a topbar in the first place on PC. I use keybinds 100% of the time and this just clutters the top left corner, especially when theres three buttons that im NEVER gonna use, and if I do use experience chat I just press /

This is all just clutter.

This disables experience chat. The one you probably use.



This disables the “Chat” functionality on the website and within the Lua App. It doesn’t disable chat within games themselves.

(also can i mention how horrible this ui looks)

This privacy setting controls in-game chat:



Really? I kinda remember there being a setting to turn off experience chat, sorta like how guest’s can’t talk.


Yes, there is a separate setting to turn on/off experience chat vs app chat.

last week I made a small change to improve this screen a little bit if thats any consolation (which has yet to roll out)


Will there ever be a setting to change the size of the UI, disable self-view, move voice-chat into the hsmburger menu, and choose what options are in the hamburger menu?

(And possibly disable unneeded icons on pc which is everything except the hamburger menu)

This stuff sorta tskes up the whole screen, as said on the original post

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See my feature request on adding custom unibar buttons with SetCore:

Best implementation imo is just

StarterGui:SetCore("AddExperienceControlsButton", {
  ID = "BackpackCustom",
  Image = " ", -- Render image on unibar
  Text = "Backpack", -- Hover text
  Click = BindableEvent, -- Bindable event hook for click signal

There would also be a matching RemoveExperienceControlsButton.


It should probably be ordered first and foremost there, while the party chat could be a secondary icon hidden away.

I was thinking the real chat icon could have a person icon, like a friends icon kind of thing. The party chat could use a party hat as its icon instead.

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woaah another icon that nobody uses on the topbar!
i thought the “JOIN VOICECHAT” icon for people with VC disabled is useless enough


Please don’t tell me this is another button of the top-bar I have no way to disable as a developer- I understand that Roblox wants to integrate features in a consistent way across all experiences but I as a developer should also have a way to declutter my at-a-moment notice UI, regardless of whether Roblox considers a feature ‘essential’, because that isn’t always the case for any particular experience. The “Escape” menu is generally a much better alternative for most features like this.

There are a few UX issues with directly implementing this feature in some experiences too. For example, one of my upcoming experiences includes an in-experience messaging feature. Given this new proposed top-bar button, it becomes a UX nightmare for players who may mistake the on-platform chat for my custom messaging system. The Roblox “Escape” menu isn’t really much of an issue for features like this (such as Captures) since users were always under the impression that everything in the menu was either Roblox-created or just marked-up by the developer; the Roblox logo being used as the icon to access the menu also helps back-up this impression. The hamburger menu creates a bit of ambiguity on that front though, it’s not necessarily clear if a developer created the options in there or not; not only just for new Roblox players but also perhaps to some Roblox veterans who are unaware of the current limitations in the APIs provided to developers. This will only become much worse of an issue once Roblox provides the ability for us to add our own options to the top-bar.

This feature becoming a forced top-bar element also reduces my available screen-size even while using SetCoreGuiEnabled to disable all the disable-able CoreGui. Even though I should (and do) implement the TopBar Insets API to ensure my experience continues to work in the future even when new items are added, that doesn’t necessarily mean that adding new items to the topbar won’t reduce my opportunities to use that screen-space which otherwise would be available to me and / or reduce visual consisency with my own UI style.



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Exactly! To take it a step further, why should this unneccecary button be on my screen when I can just press ESC, it would be much better to make the topbar optional, and at the very least, when developers can add stuff to it, make the roblox and chat button optional, and allow us to move certain stuff to the hamburger menu (vc, experience chat)

I feel like players should have control over this to an extent, because, well

Also it took you 3 hours to write that reply on my screen.


The old bar was predictable and static, allowing any developer to freely use the top space however they wished. However, with the recent updates they have ruined pretty much everything about this. I’m thinking of making a whole discussion post about this with all the points from many people.


Yeah, it’s annoying

Most games don’t allow mobile users which means “tap targets” makes no sense. And games adapt their UI to work on Console, which has no roblox icon, so theres no reason we can’t swap out the UI on mobile to fit an icon (which we already do)

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I love the idea! And I’m honestly looking forward to it’s official release. But, I would rather see the Platform Text Chat button under the Drop Down Menu compared to the Top Bar App.


I do have a question about this; Is text between users going to be filtered with this feature?

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i really needed this, especially on mobile. on pc you could use a browser

I mean, yes? Why wouldn’t it be?

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Would disabling Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat disable both types of chat, or will there be an entirely new API or something? Please make sure there is a way for the developer to disable this.

EDIT: It looks like there’s currently no way to disable this.

Should definitely be in the hamburger menu. Maybe this decision will make more sense once Party is rolled out, but I’d always expect the main chat button to open chat for the current experience; this just feels confusing having two main chat buttons right next to each other.

And also, I never use platform chat. I obviously can’t speak for everyone here, but I personally don’t want something that I never use to always be right there in front of me; at least in the hamburger menu it’s out of the way.

Cool, more forced UI that I can’t do anything about…

It’d be nice if we could redesign these notifications to fit our experience’s UI. There’s already plenty of notifications that can be received in-game (friend joined you, you joined friend, friend invited you, friend called you, etc.)

Something as simple as StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Notifications, false), and then some new event like Player.CoreNotificationReceived or whatever, which fires with information about the notification that was received so we could trigger our own custom notification UI. (just a quick example)

This is probably unlikely to happen, but I’m just really not a fan of all these forced UI changes over the last year.


This bar gets far to big!

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as much as it sounds like an awesome idea to be able to make a custom UI for notifications, I’m not so sure that giving developers access to all the notifications a player may receive is a great idea… sounds like a recipe for easy privacy violations.


oh alright, Thank you for the message.