Text Capture Not Working?


I am trying to make my game available in multiple languages but I seem to be having a little trouble with the Localization tools. Please let me know if this is in the wrong category, it didn’t really seem to fit in any of the other Development Support subcategories.

I have previously translated the game into two other languages but forgot to copy the LocalizationTable onto our beta copy, which is where development happens before it is released to the public. Upon publishing the beta copy to the production copy, I completely forgot that the LocalizationTables were existent at all and did not bother updating the localization until now.

However, whenever I try to use the Text Scraper to try and generate a new LocalizationTable, it does not seem to be capturing any new text from the game and does not give me a new LocalizationTable under LocalizationService. I have also tried to use Localization Tools button and download a cloud copy of the translations, but all I got was an error entailing Uploading table failed with status code: 500, and response: {"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"InternalServerError"}]}.

This has happened to me on both my Mac running macOS High Sierra v10.13.6 and my Windows 10 (version 1903), don’t know when this bug began to happen but only just noticed recently.

Is this a bug? Is there any way I can recover another GeneratedLocalizationTable again for my game to be translated? All and any help is appreciated, thanks!

Some Pictures

Picture of the Explorer showing no tables in LocalizationService and the TextScraper finding nothing despite having buttons on screen all composed of TextLabels.

Using Localization Tools to try and download the cloud copy of the table, failed with error.


This issue also happened with me, I got tired of trying and just gave up localization.

I am trying to localize for the first time, so maybe doing something wrong. But the text capture did not scrape any text, neither in localization portal by live playing the game, nor in studio.
TextScraper found no new text that wasn’t already in a table. No new table or new entries were generated.
Can anybody confirm text scraping is working ok for him, and give a hint?