Wow this looks great lol! Only complaint would be how some of the words cut off, such as the word “bloody” in the second example, other than that, pretty cool!
Checking again, it seems like it’s correctly implemented to follow Markdown (ignoring that Markdown doesn’t support colors) and emojis are written the same way they are on Discord, so idk what else they could be referring to lol
Yeah, I know that I can’t add stuff like block quotes because that’s just too much. I also added stroke and highlights soooo… maybe the user didn’t see the text in “It has”.
Well I wasn’t able to type it all out because of on phone but it has the following:
Realistic camera bobble. - M
Dynamic FOV. - E
Ledge Climbing system with animations. - X-H
Mantling. - H
Proning. - E
Crouching. - E
Easy to set up weapon aiming system. - X.X.H
Heck ton of CFrames later ViewModel without an actual ViewModel but by actually manipulating the players arms. - H
Head tilt based camera rotation. - M
Leaning mechanic. - M
Smoothed camera motion. - E
Inertia-Based movement system. - E
Freerunning mechanic. - E
Vaulting. - M
Weapon tuck mechanic + collision detection. - H
IK Footplanting. - M
Movement-Based Waist Rotation.- E
(The letters after each feature show their intensity, “M = Medium”, “E = Easy”, “H = Hard”, “X = Extra”.)
The entire system has too much CFrame manipulation going on. That’s why I titled myself as the “CFrame Queen” as well. The aiming took days to make and the ledge climbing had some animation bug which made me discover a lot of new stuff with animations.
It has more features but I forgot. And a lot of features are to be added.
RichText is better than this overdrive. because i use more Rich Text
This is for you, Text Formatter. You and only you. RichText is better and it doesn’t need scripts. So you are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed Because with RichText is most used You are a waste of time and scripts. You are a burden on society. This script are a overdrain to me.