Reproduction Steps
1) Create a frame, inside with a TextLabel with Rotation ~= 0
2) Insert a UIListLayout inside the frame
Expected Behavior
The TextLabel should be shown rotated
Actual Behavior
The TextLabel is not being shown rotated
Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Thanks for the report ! This is the intended behavior as Rotation is taken under control by the UIListLayout. This is not highlighted properly in studio and we will look to change that in the future.
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I don’t see any logic in this, since UIListLayout should accept the internal properties of each object under its control, as in the case, TextLabel’s Rotation.
Not fixing this is just purposefully keeping a deficiency in Studio.
If you want a Rotated TextLabel inside of a UIListLayout, you can replace the TextLabel with a Frame to act as a container, and place a TextLabel inside of that frame.