TextChatService not working for NPC

Hello, I have been trying to make an NPC do a simple chat from it’s head using the
TextChatService. I am using :DisplayBubble and I am also inputting the correct parameters, here’s my code:

local randomopendialoguenum = math.random(1, #dialogue["Welcomes"])

	local randomopendialogue = dialogue["Welcomes"][randomopendialoguenum]

	textchatservice:DisplayBubble(shopkeeper:FindFirstChild("Head"), randomopendialogue)

The script correctly prints the random message, I also know that the shopkeeper and it’s head is referenced correctly, so why does nothing happen?

(No errors or anything!)

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well, I’ve managed to create what I wanted, I ended up trying the Chat service, and it ended up working like how I wanted.

Although this does still not answer my initial problem, why didn’t TextChatService work? I thought that the Chat service wouldn’t do the modern functionality (isn’t it deprecated/being deprecated?), but it does, and its the only one of those two service’s that actually chats a message on the NPC.

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so i’ve in another post that TextChatService hasn’t been working since June of last year. Chat is indeed being deprecated, and I guess nobody knows what’s going to happen. I guess we’ll have to continue working with Chat until this issue is fixed or something.

I leave the post in question here

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