TextLabel FontFace Weight is "unavailable"

When changing the font weight of a TextLabel/TextButton/TextBox in studio, the value is replaced with (unavailable). Additionally, if you change the weight of a TextLabel that is not already the “Regular” weight, the value is still replaced with unavailable, but the TextLabel displays as if you selected Regular. Has been occurring for at least the past 12 hours.


System Information: MacBook Air, M2, Ventura 13.2.1
Previously posted here, but not in bug reports: I had a problem with a Text FontFace Weight. I need help


I am also experiencing this issue - font weights are completely unusable at the moment.


Functions perfectly for me.

Try it with the Gotham SSm font and change it to Black. It might only occur with certain fonts.


Yes now it’s not working properly. Interesting…


simple workaround :|)

for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Selection"):Get()) do if (v:IsA("TextLabel") or v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("TextBox")) then v.FontFace = Font.new("rbxassetid://12187363368", Enum.FontWeight.Bold, Enum.FontStyle.Normal) end end

Customize the command with the

  • AsseId of the Font
  • Enum.FontWeight
  • Enum.FontStyle

and you can run this on the Command Bar. This will set the desired font settings on a selected TextLabels, TextButtons, and Textboxes…


also experiencing this issue on windows pc as of last night.

also experiencing this issue still broken ;/

Yeah, I have the same issue, I can’t change Weight on any fontface, just says unaviable. Using commands just to change such a basic thing is annoying. Hopefully they fix this.

Also experiencing issues with this on a Windows 10.

Lots of people happen to have it happen when they load up a game in ROBLOX Studio.
But, of course, the font’s weight is unavailable, but that bug is way annoying. ROBLOX could get that fixed in future updates.
(I know this glitch is actually a false unavailable error)

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This is happening yes, still changeable via Command Bar or scripts, but not normally (the easiest way), through the UI.


This worked, thank you so much!
For anyone wondering what the Font Ids are, check it out here.

This is happening to me. It’s really annoying.

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I really hope this is fixed ASAP, my work is heavily affected by this!

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Happening for me as well. The bold and italic style buttons still function normally.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


Having the same issue as well, my game keeps crashing because I modified the bubble chat font.

same issue here, it is really annoying

same. This bug is really awfull, my guis are depixelised