Texturebox — Textures you love in one place!



[:floppy_disk: Install] | [:file_folder: Texture Registry]

Texturebox is a plugin designed to store textures and reuse them easily. It also has a library of textures maintained by the community. Trusted by more than 200 developers across the world.


My Box

My Box allows you to upload textures to your local archive meaning you can manage them such as deleting, giving custom names, organizing them, etc.

Library Box

Library Box gets textures from our registry and displays for you to insert into your game!

Archive Box

Archive Box is our Texture Registry where all textures displaying on Library Box are!

Contribute to the registry to expand Texturebox.



with Roblox Plugin Marketplace

with itch.io

You can also download from itch.io. This is where you can also donate to me to continue these projects!

Information about HTTP request permissions

Texturebox requires the permissions to make requests to api.github.com and raw.githubusercontent.com to enable Library Box to work. The reason is because we store the requests cache to easily sync with our registry.


If you have any questions on how Texturebox works, please reply on this post! I’ll be answering all questions here.

If you have more concerns or need help with Texturebox we have community servers!



Cool, but will there be built in textures?

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Yes, Library Box textures are built in and are stored in our global registry meaning anyone can contribute to it.

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Are these PBR textures?

More chars

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Yes, they are.

I am currently adding textures from a service called amibentCG which also has some great quality textures under a free distribution license.

I will soon get to adding other textures, but if you don’t want to wait you are welcome to contribute to the registry with new textures :+1:

I made Texturebox in a way that the community can help create our Library better and better.

Or you can save it to your My Box that stays locally for you and is saved across sessions.


Are these textures copyright free?

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Yes, we only add copyright free textures to the registry.


Although, if you do own a texture under a license you can safely add it to your My Box which is saved locally only for you and works the same way as Library Box.

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Package Delivery! (New Textures) :package:

Hey there! I would to introduce to something that sometime or another there will be called, “Package Deliveries”. Package Deliveries is when I myself add some new textures to the registry.

For today, these are the new textures:

Please note that if you opened Texturebox as the time of posting this post you might have to wait up to an hour to update the registry.


(please don’t mind the duplicated textures at the end it was a bug when creating the design)


Texturebox on itch.io

Texturebox is now available on itch.io meaning you can also donate to me and support these projects.

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Package Delivery! :package:

For today, these are the new textures:

Please note that if you opened Texturebox as the time of posting this post you might have to wait up to an hour to update the registry.


with Roblox Plugin Marketplace

with itch.io

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Package Delivery (50 Downloads Edition) :partying_face: :package:

Thank you to everyone, its really absurd how we reached 50 downloads in less than a week. With that here is your special package delivery:

Please note that if you opened Texturebox as the time of posting this post you might have to wait up to an hour to update the registry.


with Roblox Plugin Marketplace

with itch.io

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This plug-in is absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to download and test it out. I also can’t tell you how many times I’ve struggled to find textures :sweat_smile:, but not anymore!

Support Texturebox by translating it! :writing_hand:

We are looking for translators to help localize Texturebox for multiple countries. Your support will be very much appreciated.

This is for an upcoming major update to come.

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New branding, news topic, and preparations for first major update :exclamation:

  1. We got a new logo! :partying_face:

With Texturebox blowing up on usage I felt like I could modernize the appearance for the plugin. This will now be our new branding moving forward.

  1. News Topic

To make sure we don’t bump the main topic THAT often we will now be having a Bulletin Board for updates.

Please make sure to set this topic as watching to get new Package Deliveries, minor updates, and bug fixes announcements there.

  1. Preparations for first major update

We will soon be receiving our first major update containing a UI rework, favorite textures being displayed on top of Library Box, new features with My Box, and our first Premium Edition of Texturebox for those who wants the best of My Box.

This update with be released sometime this weekend and in the following week so watch out for that.

Thank you for your amazing support on Texturebox and that we can improve as time goes on :heart:


with Roblox Plugin Marketplace

with itch.io


First Major Update! :partying_face:

We have officially released our first major update for Texturebox, and with it some new stuff are popping.

Texturebox Localized

You can now select other languages to use on Texturebox! This way we can apply it to many more users.

Favorites and New UI

Keep your favorite textures on top of your Library Box.

Information about our new Premium Texturebox

Texturebox: Wood Edition will be releasing at the start of April including special features design to further enhance developing with Texturebox.


Package Delivery! :package:

For today, these are the new textures:

Please note that if you opened Texturebox as the time of posting this post you might have to wait up to an hour to update the registry.


with Roblox Plugin Marketplace

with itch.io

Studio Featuring

If you have a somewhat influential studio on Roblox and you use Texturebox we would love to feature you in our dev forum post. Just shoot me a DM and you can tell me all about it.

Hi! I alredy made a pbr texture pack, Idk if this can hlep you to updated your plugin, wich I’ll try soon! looks good

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Hey! Thats great. We have our texture registry that you can definitely take a look on how to contribute yourself.

Or you can use those with My Box locally :slight_smile:

I’ve opened up a pull request to downscale the banner image on the registry’s README: