TG Engine | The engine that teaches you how to script [RELEASE]

Update to others: I was kicked for leaving feedback (further context: I didn’t say anything in-game)


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Trying to get others to back up from my project, What about you? I kicked you for annoying me.

Thank god their is a console. I would not have been able to kick without that.

Look at the above? I told you to stay away and leave me alone. You decided to join so I kicked you.

robloxapp-20230203-1605211.wmv (6.2 MB)
Proof that you did not give any feedback…

This is going to be my one and only reply on the topic, because I don’t want to dwell on this. I have quite a lot of things to say.


@iGottic is completely right and raises good points, but for some reason you aren’t willing to take valid feedback and criticism from others.

No “hating” is involved here. They’re giving you legitimate feedback. If you can’t take constructive criticism or feedback, you shouldn’t have posted it here.

When you make a creation, you definitely shouldn’t expect everyone to like it and find it useful. Support for a creation is never obligated.

The advice @iGottic is all valid criticism which you should take.

Some examples:

I can’t seem to find a post that’s even related to that.

Excuse me? You’re telling me a full blown API Documentation that’s written by professionals; By the very company who created the API is wrong. You really need to do your research.

The real nail on the coffin is when you decided to kick @iGottic for no reason:

To conclude, if you aren’t willing to accept feedback on your creation @Sea_KidTwelve , you shouldn’t have posted it here. Even if they sounded a bit harsh, you still should taken it as advice. IGottic even mentioned that they had no bad intentions in their replies:

I’ve said what I had to say. Hopefully you’ll listen.


You didnt see everything, maybe you dont understand.

Great work but i think you should re-prioritize your goals and start making stuff the people are actually looking for because i don’t think anyone will use this since there is many other websites that a dedicated to teaching people lua

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Thank you for atleast having appreciation, ive been working on this for months now. Ill listen but I will still update every once in a while.

People should learn of DevHub instead as it’s up to date with deprecated warnings, etc.

also this is probably the worst thing I’ve heard on the DevForum so far.

In contrast,
@iGottic is actually right in even if you took his criticism rudely. This was posted under #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback which means you are bound to criticism and feedback.

I tried out your game and this doesn’t even compare to any others such as Lua Learning, a community-driven with even a sandbox and slick looking UI.

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Can you stop? Omg bro like character limit

Right, so after one post on this topic, you seemed to be overwhelmed already.

Good luck on your “TG Engine”, no one will help you with your attitude towards others.

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As @ValiantWind said in his post,

This is a place where you’re SUPPOSED to get feedback. The category literally says #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback. Notice “feedback”. If you can’t take any criticism and only want people to say good things about your plug-in, then don’t even post it here.

@iGottic makes valid points about your plug-in. Lua Learning already exists and most likely everyone who wants to learn how to script will do so via Roblox’s Engine API, YouTube tutorials, DevForum, and probably Lua Learning.

In conclusion, please just take criticism seriously, and don’t try to argue with anyone ESPECIALLY if you posted it in a place where you are supposed to get feedback.

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And why dont you mind your business

Same as you, mind your business

You posted it on DevForum. You are inviting any and everyone into this.

also just to prove my point in my post you’re already getting mad again at me for providing criticism.

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Everyone… 57 Replies… Why are you guys rubbing on as much as you can… Just leave me alone, please.

We aren’t trying to rub it on you, just providing criticism.

Then leave us alone. You really kicked @iGottic and posted about it. This just seems like you’re trying to get attention at this point.

I agree with most criticism in this post, please learn how to take it correctly.

I would never expect, even myself, to post a topic in this category and NOT get negative criticism. It makes your product better. It just seems as if you don’t want to improve your plugin by following carefully crafted feedback.


Whered you come from??? Randoml pop up