The ability to apply textures to TextObjects

As a roblox developer, it is currently impossible to have text fade out correctly, or make text have multiple colors. My idea is the ability to assign textures to text, and the text would take on the form of the texture map, while still maintaining readability. This would have a great advantage over creating custom images to use in ImageLabels, as these would dynamically update with text changes, rather than being a static image.

You assign a gradient image to a TextLabel, Button, or Box object, with a text color of light blue, and this is what it produces

Example #2:
You assign a texture that has flames.

If you want the texture to use the text color, there would be a bool for “TextImageUsesImageColor3” so you can achieve something like this with the flame example above:

I propose, that if this added to text objects, these could be the names of the properties



Might as well just go all out and make this work with image masking too.


That could work too I think!

Doing some kind of generalized UI masking is on our eventual roadmap. It’s a complex feature to implement across all the different types of devices we support.

We’ve talked before about whether it’d be worth it to add specific support for applying images to text objects. It seems unnecessary if we’re going to have a generalized solution anyway.


Do you have any ETA of when that might happen? Honestly excited to hear that image masking for UI elements might be on the roadmap at some point. Cool stuff! :ok_hand:

It’s currently planned for Q3 2019. However, it’s not guaranteed.


Really excited to hear that!! :slight_smile: