The ability to change the amount/rate of lighting updates

Being a Roblox developer of a large event center, lighting updates are being a pain and making use look really unprofessional…
See, the issue. We have a nice, really realistic lighting console with working faders, but when you adjust one of the lighting updates, half of the lighting chunk will update, then like a few seconds later the other half will decide to update (shown below). So I am asking for a feature to change the number of lighting updates that occur per second, or however Roblox’s engine handles it.

Sorry for the lower FPS; graphics are at full for proof of the issue, and to show it isn’t just my computer.
robloxapp-20200314-1543255.wmv (607.0 KB)

So please, even a setting under lighting to fix this would make the game look 200x better. I have tried a few fixes, like instead of using spotlights and such, using point lights in the direct area, but this causes the shadows to cast wrong.