The Adventure of Nooblet! #17

Hello everyone! I made the song for the first world in TAoN! Take a listen:

Please let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

Updated one:

Post after this: The Adventure of Nooblet! #18


The beat is nice, but it is incredibly repetitive. It has potential, but it needs more rhythm to spice it up a bit more. People wouldn’t really like to be hearing the exact same beats on loop for a while in a stage for your game, but the beat is still nice. I wish you great luck on your next piece! :smile:

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Thank you for the feedback! I’m trying rn to make it less repetitive!

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Just made a remake! Opinion?


Sounds much better, but it sounds a lot like an intro to the main part of a song. It is still quite repetitive, but it still sounds much better than previously! :wink:

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Hi, right now this seems like a looped introduction to a song. If after a few rounds of that there was a new melody and stuff, that would be cool.

EDIT: bruh i posted literally a second after the person above me

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I’m gonna have to agree with the others that the intro to the song is a bit repetitive, but all and all it sounds good!


I agree that it sounds like an intro the game, I’d lower the drum beat / metronome thingy’s volume


Sounds pretty tropical… Nice.

Although the song has a good melody, it plays the same melody over and over again, and I would not like to listen to this. As others have said, give it more variety in terms of melody.

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I made one
Its not really great but uhh idk just for fun ya know

Happy new year!


Wow, that’s really good! Great job on that!

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