The Adventure of Nooblet! #18

Hello everyone! I took some advice from @GalaxyGourmet, @antojensob, @cweego, and @Quantum_Rio. And made a new song! Take a listen:

Please let me know what you think! Thanks for reading/listening!


Sounds better, but it also sounds like every note is thrown in at once, making it sound like a jumbled mess. I suggest starting off the music with a single melody, then gradually build off that melody with more instruments and such. If you aren’t satisfied with the starting melody, make it satisfying and then start building off of it.

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Thank you for the feedback! I’m going to work on that now.

The new song is much better! It isn’t always just the same beat every 2 seconds, unlike the last one, where it was repetitive. But as @GalaxyGourmet said, it does sound a lot like all notes are thrown in at once, so I recommend that you could try to space them out a bit more? Apart from that, huge improvement. The music here is what I would expect in TAoN, so great job! :smile:

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Thank you for the feedback! Right now I’m working on a build up instead of all the notes thrown at you at once.

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Ok, you should keep it to slow or fast, because it goes fast, then S L O W, then fast, then S L O W, and you can hear a tiny pause too, and like @GalaxyGourmet said, it sounds all thrown in at once, but other than that, it’s good

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This indeed sound’s better! I just bopping to this new version and I love it!

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I improvised that in 5 mins ↑↑↑ (recorded it with my phone)
I think you need to keep practicing and learn a bit of theory since it sounds a bit like a mess of notes


Hmm, you could add some chords in the background or more bass notes.

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