Setting GroundController.MoveSpeedFactor and ControllerManager.BaseSpeed to 0 will stop all movement of the character.
Then setting MoveSpeedFactor to 1 and BaseSpeed to 12 should result in the character being able to move, but it cannot.
When MoveSpeedFactor is set to 1, and BaseSpeed is > 0, the character is supposed to be moving.
Seems like BaseSpeed is multiplied by the old value that is zero, instead of the new value which is 1.
The order that the values are set in matters.
Hello. Do you have a minimal placefile with this issue you can share with us? At the moment we cannot reproduce it with our own placefiles, everything behaves as expected, character is able to move after setting this values back to their original value.
So it looks like it’s not working when a humanoid is present. The EvaluateStateMachine property is set to false.
I noticed that once the block is stuck and the values are set back to their original you can get it moving again by pushing it around with your player avatar.