The Basics of Perlin Noise | Roblox Video Tutorial

For the last 7 weeks, I have been writing and editing a video, which I think will benefit people who do not have a strong understanding on the concept of Perlin Noise, within Roblox.

I would really love some feedback on the video (and/or criticism too), as I want to keep uploading more videos like this, but on shorter topics. Tell me what you think down below, and if you learnt something new from it, feel free to tell me about that too. Any feedback is important to me :slight_smile:



the editing is so good i cant edit as good as that because i use power director the pc version, this kinda reminds me of the typical youtube commentary videos


Funny and informative! Thanks!


Thanks for your comments! The funny thing is, before I made this video, I did make a few YouTube commentary videos last year, so that might be what you see in my editing lol


Please make more things like this! Love these types of tutorials!


Hi! I love’d that video. However from my personal testing in the past perlin noise isnt exactly -1 to 1. hell, i once had it reach over 1! (over about 62500 samples :grimacing: ) the reality is that they actually converge after -1 to 1 ( meaning it gets exponentially unlikely for it to be outside of those bounds )

tutorial on barycentric coordinates next? >w<


1. [2:53] Here you are using while wait() do. It really is a bad practice and you should avoid using it (especially in beginner tutorials, newbies will think that it is a nice shortcut to write a while loop like this and will start to most likely use it).
A proper way of writing a while wait() loop is:

while true do

However using wait() is not effective as well. If you don’t know why, you can read more here. But in short: You should always use different functions that wait for certain events to happen such as :Wait (Heartbeat:Wait()), WaitForChild etc…

2. [4:28, 4:48] It’s worth mentioning that math.random is not actually random. It’s a pseudo-random generator, meaning that it’s based on the previous output and as stated here for JavaScript: “random though they might seem, those numbers will eventually repeat and reveal a non-random pattern.” You can read more about it in this website, since it’s a pretty interesting article overall and even mentions one of the algorithms for generating a pseudo-random number.

3. [13:26] You’re calling the GetService method each time a new for x loop begins. This might hurt the performance, so it would be better if you have defined RunService at the top of your script and then used that variable to access Heartbeat.

4. [17:11] math.random does not work with negative and math.huge numbers. With the arguments of -math.huge, math.huge it will always output -2147483648:

To generate a seed more effectively, you could use math.random() * 1E14 for example.

5. [24:51] fromRGB takes integers so this line is incorrect. Instead of multiplying the values by 255 all you want to do is to use new:, 0.8, 0.8). Another alternative would be to use HSV although not really preferred: Color3.fromHSV(0, 0, 0.8) (third parameter is Value - our brightness). You did use a few seconds later into the video though so good job.

also please change your script editor font to monospace when making these tutorials, I’m sure it doesn’t hurt only my eyes and it will just be easier to read the code, thanks

So with that in mind, I think you could be a successful youtuber! As others have pointed out it’s fun to watch your videos, and if you keep uploading good content like this I am sure you will get hundreds of subscribers.

Good luck!


How is this a proper way of making a while wait() loop? Doing

while wait() do


is the exact same thing as your “proper way”


I think he was referring to pedantism. If you were to setup the debug profiler theres hardly any difference. It should be noted if you are using wait() to let the GC not kill itself (script timeout) with modulo checks then ofcourse use game:GetService(“RunService”).Heartbeat:Wait() otherwise I don’t really see a reason for typing something that is like 10 x longer, just my opinion though from personal experience


It’s not how a proper while construction looks like. There should be a boolean between while and do, not a function.

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It’s called while-wait-do idiom. I never said that it’s an error.
Here is a great Google doc resource that explains why you should not use it.

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Please please guys @RealExoctic @me_isidoit dont turn this into another wait() debate. Take it to dms if needed. Lua doesnt throw a error cause wait() returns true after the yielding is done


You clearly do not understand. You do not have to use the standard way of writing it. It’s an idiom. There are some benefits such as better readability and maintainability as mentioned in the document (also, if you’re posting some snippets from it then it would be nice if you at least took time to read it)

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Yes, you’re right about not using wait() as a argument of a while loop.

However, no, that’s not why.

First of all, there is optimization on Lua and obviously on Luau for while true do loops.

It will compile not to “check this statement and keep repeating as long as this is truthful”, instead it will compile to “repeat this forever”, basically. There is no checking on a while true do loop.

Another thing is that wait is just kind of slow and updates about ½ the amount of frames there are actually being rendered. Heartbeat:Wait() is better however, since you’re already using Heartbeat, it’s better to use :Connect instead.

This should help with GC’ing as any variables with no extra references should get CC’ed once the environment “dies”, which it won’t on Heartbeat:Wait() loop.


Let’s not go off-topic. Message me in PM’s instead please.


protip: you can layer noise using octaves, frequencies, and lacunarity


Since it was a “Basics” video, I thought it would be a bit too much, however I may make a follow up video with that in it!


This is funny and is explained well
i hope you can futher your programming skills to the max


This is a wonderful perlin noise tutorial in its own right, and especially useful to us Roblox devs. And I laughed a few times through it. Thank you so much!

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Amazing video! Very informative, has great editing & just a good video in general. You should definitely make some more!