The Big Bubble Chat Rework

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I appreciate the love and attention the bubble chat is being given.

Since bubble chat is being given attention, are there plans to revamp the chat UI itself and possibly give us api to easily configure it like you guys have done with the bubble chat? For consistency with the bubble chat updates, and the chat ui also needs a revamp, been the same for about 5 years lol



Many customization option, including:

  • Bubbles duration
  • Max amount of bubbles above a single character
  • Bubbles background color
  • Distance at which the bubbles are minimized/hidden
  • Many more, see the full list below
  • More coming soon!

This is epic! I was always disheartened by how rigid the old chat system was, particularly for Bubble Chat. Glad to have some clarity about how exactly the new bubble chat works.

Enable it through new property BubbleChatEnabled in the Chat service (game.Chat):

Thank you so much for adding a visual toggle! It has been a while since this was available, with developers manually having to script Bubble Chat into their game before.

Before using this, be aware that this feature has not rolled out to all users yet. Especially people playing on older mobile versions (about 20% of mobile users). Those people will not be able to see the new bubble chat even if you enable it in your game. We expect to reach 100% adoption in about two weeks.

So does this mean that people will see the old chat instead or no chat at all? I can’t wait to enable this, but I don’t want to end up making chat invisible for part of my player base!

Also, glad to see that the grey line has been removed! I assume that this release means that the beta went well! Perhaps this topic should be locked now?


It would be nice to have a way to give a certain user the bubble chat settings (for example one person will have a gold chat bubble but everyone else will have a default one). Other then that the customize settings are okay.


Another update once again, and this time it’s the bubble chat that I’ve been waiting for! I’ve been waiting to try this out since the new announcement a couple of months ago and possibly fork some colors and text fonts.

Somehow when enabling this through a Client-side script or turning it on through the properties, it somehow didn’t work well out inside studio and doesn’t show the text nor the frame for it as it just shows the arrow:


Question: Will the bubble chat (Mostly a BillboardGui) be hanging over the head of a humanoid as with certain R15 packages, it seems off and weird like an example here:


I like the improvement, but here’s several thing(s):

  1. Can you add a (…) animation for when a user’s typing in chat? This is found in Hangouts, Discord, and all other chat-related websites. Adding this would mean, users can wait until another person can reply, so there’s less breakage in a conversation.

  2. Is this issue fixed where the bubble chat cuts off a section of the message? Although this is more on the functionality side of things, it goes along with the reworking of it.

But still, the fluid animations there are so good!
Love this, thanks y’all!


Not even an hour or even minutes after the launch and it’s already broken inside Studio, how did this issue slide thru?

Aside from the issue, I like the fact that there’s backwards compatibility with the old bubble chat! Althought I’d love to see the same thing happen with the playerlist aswell.


Looks like it uses the HumanoidRootPart, should definitely use the head though.


I had never seen this before, then I saw it one day and was confused about if it was for the new bubble chat. Thanks for clarifying this.

Can we have an option to make bubble sizes smaller? The default seems kinda large tbh.
And also like maybe you could enable richtext with your bubbles, unless it’s already a thing.

Next all we need is a chat UI rework, :face_vomiting:


I was going to say this too — i think the issue is the text is too thin/small. Nonetheless we should get an option to make it less wide too.


Why does the example code contain pcall? This seems unnecessary to do & dirty just to enable/change settings.


Finally, especially with the dumb “unfixable” gap glitch! I really like the new style, although in some games I may keep it the default…


It’s even found already in games, so having a feature where developers wouldn’t have to program it would simplify any external chat scripts.


Do you still notice the slight popping up; will that be fixed?

Yay! Just what I asked for in the previous topic.


This is amazing.

Can you please make sure that this page has the proper information and is updated?

Thanks for all your hard work.


One thing I would have liked to have seen was bubble order based on message order. It means you would see the most recent messages in front of older messages even if they are physically behind another older message. Still good work.


This looks very nice, any chance we could get the option to have different settings on multiple chat bubbles? Like an angry NPC with a red chat bubble and a happy one with a green bubble.


If you have the old bubble chat in your game and enable the new one as well, these 20% of mobile users who are running a client older than the 451 release will see the old bubble chat, and the rest will see the new one


Because it’s not enabled on every device, so it’s prone to error. They stated this in the thread.


How exactly is this exploitable?