The Big Bug Reporting Update

This is a step in the right direction! Hopefully this will encourage people to submit reports, nice to see that the requests will be reviewed often too!

Great work!


Hey @JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX - I reached out to the engineers about these! Please let me know if you don’t hear back. Thanks for letting us know.

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Hey @music_man1996, thank you for your answer!

Others weren’t replied/answered by engineers… May I PM you those that I did not hear anything back?

Is the bug reporting group going to include feature requests whenever it comes or is it going to be a separate group?

What’s the process now of opening a feature request if you do not have access to the proper channels? Do we still message bug support group (kinda useless now that we have this bug reporting group that we are in)?

It seems like a seperate group that’s private rn, if you’re regular you should be able to see it

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Still no response. Should I message support?

No, you should not. None of us got a response yet because they didn’t start reading yet. Just keep patient, they’ll get to everyone.

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They’re more than likely bogged down with requests, it’ll take some time.

Please do not send creator-facing issues to customer support. The roundtrip to engineers is much longer.

It will take significant time for the team to clean out the Bug-Support inbox, please expect that to happen over the course of weeks rather than hours/days.


Like the post above literally says:

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@Hooksmith Bug Support seems to be closed now, and the rollout of the bug reporting group hasn’t started yet (as far as I can see). Do you know if there’s another way to report bugs in the meantime?

Please wait until you are added to the AllowBugReports group.

EDIT: re-opened temporarily

A good amount of prolific bug reports that I know of have gone unaddressed for a year or more.

Is there going to be a way to view the status if these reports, or bump them in the ticket queue?

You can already view the status on the issue near the topic title if it is a newer bug report or has had a recent status change. We’re working on ingesting the older issues properly in our system so they show a status as well.

There’s no “ticket queue”, issues are prioritized and worked on at the discretion of the product engineering teams at Roblox. If you see any issue that seems unusually inactive / unusually long time to get a response, please DM @music_man1996 with specific examples. Keep in mind that there are many possible reasons why an issue might not be resolved yet as explained here.

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I don’t have a reason to join the bug reporting group, so basically I can’t report bugs anymore. Wow.

You don’t really have to put anything specific.

Correction: we talked about it internally and since it’s gonna take awhile for us to run through the join request queue on the new group, we decided to keep Bug-Support open until we get through the requests.


For the time being we made it so you can request to join AllowFeatureRequests to show that you need to have that capability. We’ll use the activity on join statistics here to help prioritize projects related to feature requests and help us understand scale (in terms of users) we should expect a bit better, so feel free to request to join there in advance!

It will likely take us significant time to properly roll out whatever the improvement or revamp to feature requests should be, so please do take into account that we may not accept the request for a very long while or action it at all. (if we decide that there’s a better way to intake this kind of feedback than having a “feature requests” category)


HI, i requested to join the bug report membership. how long does it usually takes to get accepted?

We just accepted the first small batch earlier this week. There’s several hundred people queued up so it will take some weeks for us to clear out this initial wave. We don’t want to accept all at the same time to avoid a spike in bug reports in #bug-reports which would overload our engineering teams and might lead to important bugs being missed on first glance.