The biggest upcoming open world survival game of 2021

Maybe end of this year or start of next year.

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Wow this looks absolutely amazing! This would literally be my dream job! Sadly I cannot model and my build style wouldn’t fit… I bet your developers are thrilled to work on something like this! :slight_smile:


Ty you so much and we are really excited working on a project like this. We hope you find your dream job and be passionate as we are.

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This looks amazing! Although I do have a few questions for you, what makes this game so special from other survival games? What will I get from playing this game for a constant amount of time.

How much open world is there? How big are servers? Are there any other threats other than dying from other players?

I think a survival game that will be in the works for over a year, it needs to have some of these essentials but I want to encourage you and your team to create a unique experience while playing this game.

Best of luck to you, and your team!


What makes this game so special:

First off, Theres a mix of different survival elements from different games and theres even some servers that will have zombies as well as players. So if your lucking for maybe a rust type experience you come to the right place or you want a day/dead matter experience your also as the right place.

What will i get from playing the game:

Friends,Adventures,Excitement,Immersion and theres plenty of content in the game to ensure you never get bored and with monthly updates content is always incoming.

How much open world is there?

The map is quite big and immersive, There will be a lot of adventure and exicting new things every day.

How big are servers?

Well official servers will be around 70-100 players on a server. But people can host their own servers so they can put it as whatever they would like.

Any other threats?

Of course, Extreme cold or heat,Poisonus food,Wild animals,Zombies(If you play on the zombie servers),Many other factors want to kill you but that makes the experience so much more realistic and entertaining.


We have a new update to the portfolio and i hope you enjoy it and SHARE.


List of things that are planned for the Demo - Boundless Demo Guide - Google Docs

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you guys must have a nasa supercomputer
with a quantum pc built into the nasa computer

But im not lying this is AMAZING!

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Wow! Looks great! I will play when its released.


It will run on lower end pcs or laptops.

@AndersonSolence Yes my discord is Netflix 2.

New discord invite link for boundless: Discord

After working with the boundless dev team for around 6 weeks, I sadly already have to go. Mainly being busy with school n stuff. I wish this game and the staff team the best, best project I’ve ever worked on. Thank you all for giving me this chance.

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We are extremely sorry you had to go. But you are a amazing worker and very good animator. We wish you the best for the future and if you can work and improve your R15 animations there will be a place for you at boundless. Always :slight_smile: .

I wonder how the “filtered piss” mechanic will work


lol that filtered piss was funny to me


This Is Really Sick!, Amazing, Awesome, So Very Very Cool!, Can’t Wait For It To Be Released! :smiley:


So how many computers do you need for this? (In order to maintain the servers/saving)

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This sounds great! ROBLOX needs more games that are clean like this. I love all the information you’ve included. Very professional :ok_hand:t3:

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This is very impressive for a Roblox game, from the looks of it, a very high amount of content and realism/detail have been added. Good job, definitely something that would either attract many players or reach the front page of Roblox games. It does at least seem extremely ambitious, especially with the vast array of tools/apparatus (E.g: guns) mentioned.

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